Truth brainstorm

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This list was compiled from my written and audio-recorded notes from Monday April 2, 2007.

[edit] Phrases

• "Tru Dat"

• Truth of the matter

• Being true to

• Truth will set you free

• Unspoken truth

• What is the truth

• You can't handle the truth

• truth is objective and subjective

• true colors

• Blue truth

• True North

truth be told

truth is out there

rings true

hidden truth

stretching truth

do you swear to tell the truth, whole truth, nothing but the truth

"cynicism is ...truth"

I am the truth

perseption of the truth

true dat


truth - meaning of life

true love

personal truth

• True or False?

• God's homest truth

• Gruly great

• Scientific truth?

• The truth will get you nowhere

• all great truths begin as blasphemy

• truely false

• The truth hurts

• The truth hurst less

• I will tell you the truth

• Be true to yourself

• Truth or Dare.

• His aim was true

• true believer

• Truth "with a Capital T."

• Truthyness

• Truth is stranger than fiction

• False negative


• Red Herring

• Spin

• Truthiness

• exaggeration

• "Get real"

• subjectivity

• bias

• "Technically true"

• Illusion

• Allusion

• Truth is stranger than fiction

• False positive

• Truely lying

• true lies

• fish story

• fable

• fllary

• white lie

• Crying wolf

• proverbs

• Truth in advertising

• propigande

• clichés

• Fox news

• steriotypes

• wag the dog.

• bent - "if somethings bent, it is not true"

• straight

• Appearances

• Facad

• assumption

• politics

• two faced