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Jules Unsel, Ph.D. Julianne Unsel
The Evergreen State College
Library 3411
Olympia WA 98505Jules Unsel

unselj at evergreen dot edu

Evergreen is a nontraditional liberal arts college. One of our central goals is to produce articulate, passionate young college graduates who are motivated and organized for social justice and social change.  We emphasize interdisciplinary study and rely on students to take responsibility for their own intellectual, personal and career development.  Evergreen’s unconventional curriculum structures coordinated studies programs that integrate all of a student’s classes, through shared materials and themes, into a single academic load.  Students and faculty have both freedom and responsibility to structure their involvement in the liberal arts.

Jules trained as a US historian at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in the 1990s. Her interest in the digital revolution was peaked by spending a year as a member of the faculty in Evergreen's college library. She's been teaching about the arrival of the web - its history, its place in the western intellectual tradition, and its place in libraries past, present and future for the last few years. She still teaches American politics occasionally, as well as gender studies and the history of medicine.

Recent Curriculum

Common Knowledge, 2006-2007

Information Landscapes, 2005-2006

Still Looking, 2004-2005

Dissent, Injustice and the Making of America, 2003-2004

Politics of Sin and Punishment, 2001-2002

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