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The authors of In the Company of Crows argue that humans have co-evolved with crows. Rather than write a paper on this topic, please make a creative response to the text: you may write a poem, draw a picture, take a photograph, create a collage, write a (very) short story, create a skit; in short, bring a creative piece or project to seminar. We will combine seminars for the first 30 minutes to view your work. You should prepare a few words to explain your work.
Turin argues that “aesthetics is parochial ideas professing a spurious generality” (p109). Explain this in your own words, then critique or defend the statement. You may take a scientific, philosophical, social, or other perspective.
For the first of two seminar papers on The Emperor of Scent, we want you to do something different. Find three objects that have some noticeable smell, put each in a separate brown paper bag, smell each in turn, and describe what you smell. Try not to describe what you know is there--describe, as Turin does, what "notes" you discern, what flavors, what adjectives are evoked for you by the smell. Now, take those same bags to three other people and, without letting them know what is inside, ask them to do the same. Make a table of your results (three smells, four smellers: how did each smeller describe each smell?). Write one paragraph evaluating your results, being sure to refer to the text in your analysis.
What is Grandin's thesis regarding similarities between animals, children, and autistic adults? Do you agree? Provide direct evidence for your conclusion.
As you know, we are collecting your synthesis questions each week and keeping them until the end of the quarter. Because the college was closed, we missed the opportunity to discuss the questions. As a result, we would like you to post the question you proposed in those papers, just as you generally post your seminar essays. Then, we would like to you provide a short response to someone else's question using the "Add New Comment" feature of the forum. If you would like to respond to more than one, that is fine, but you must respond to at least one. Please post your question by Thursday, Feb. 14 at 5:00pm. Please respond to a question by Tuesday, Feb 19 at 5:00pm.
Fox refers to the Forbidden Experiment in her book, Talking Hands. Explain why ABSL (a newly discovered sign language in Israel) is so important given the desire for this sort of experiment. Your evidence should come from the text and draw upon your understanding of the linguistic analysis of a sentence and its parts. We expect you to choose three strong pieces of evidence. Remember that we also expect your essay to be based on a thesis statement which lays out your argument. It is always helpful to visit the Writing Center for help expressing your ideas clearly and making progress in producing expository essays.
In your essay on Dancing in the Streets, provide three strong evolutionary justifications for this quote: "The urge to transform one's appearance, to dance outdoors, to mock the powerful and embrace perfect strangers is not easy to suppress. (p 260)" Your evidence may be evolutionary of any sort--genetic, cultural; you can find evidence for the cultural fitness of "collective joy" in Ehrenreich's text.