Ode' to Monday

Here is a quick free write that our guest speaker, Scott Turner Schofield instructed us to go for:


Oh life! Oh my life!  Where to start.  I'm going to pick one single instance in my life, an instance that could be a part of a play.  As we learned from Scott, life stories make for a good performing art piece and anything in our life could be a play.  We are the directors!


Yes, I am going to start my story with a waking moment.  How about I start with a Monday.  Ode' to Mondays.  I wake to my cell phone alarm after an extensive , ever lasting play of dreams (could be a whole play in itself or rather nightmarish opera).  I grab the phone and turn off the waking tune.  An obtrusive banging and clanking sounds in the near distance.  I am ever reminded of our obnoxious neighbors being illegally loud on their disgusting piece of land right behind us.  We've tried to get them our of there, but politics once again prevail, having "the power" over us wee neighborhood who seizes to exist in the eyes of these money hungry fools!  Ok, long story...

So, my dreams have been ok lately.  In fact, my life is pretty sweet so my dreams mostly mirror this.  I met a wonderful guy, Zachary who is contributing to my happy, beautiful life!

Ok, back to the story.  :-)   I move my feet around under my covers and bump into something.  Yep, my cat is still curled up at the foot of my bed.  I wonder how she manages to stay there all night, especially me being her Momma (I tend to toss a lot).  So, I extend a sleepy hand to my beautiful cat, Reeses and gently pet her between the ears.  She has an instant purr box, so I'm comforted by her noise in my room.  Aside from the sporadic bang from the neighbors, my cat's purr and my waking yawns are the only noise in this space.  


I could continue this story, but I'm not.  :-)  Thanks for reading. 


Submitted by Amanda on Wed, 10/17/2007 - 4:21pm. Amanda's blog | login or register to post comments | printer friendly version