Foundations of Health Science

Fall Quarter Schedule

Typical Week

Day Time Activity Usual Room
Mon 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Laboratory Lab II, 1234
& 1241
Tues 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Lecture and Workshop SEM 2, E 1105
  2:00 PM - 4:00 PM Seminar SEM 2, E 2107 (Rebecca's)

SEM 2, E 2109 (Ben's)
Wed 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Laboratory and Workshop Lab: Lab II, 1234 & 1241

Workshop: SEM 2, E 1107
Thurs 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Lecture and Workshop SEM 2, E 1105
  2:00 PM - 4:00 PM Library Workshop tba

Our first day of class will be Monday, September 24th. We will meet in the laboratory. (It is not necessary to have your goggles with you for our first meeting.)

Weekly Schedule...This is a fluid document that will undergo changes as deemed necessary to assist with the learning goals of the program.

Week One (Sept 24-28)

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Lab II, 1234 & 1241

Class intro, day-one packet, lab safety

handout: seminar reading for tuesday (Did the MAb in tragic trial overstimulate the immune system? Medscape Medical News March 24, 2006)
SEM 2, E 1105

Lecture: Introduction, Scientific Method, Descent with Modification

Read: Get Ready for Biology, Chapter 3;
Campbell & Reece, Chapter 1

Quiz Today

SEM 2, E 2107 (Rebecca's)

SEM 2, E 2109 (Ben's)

Seminar: Did the MAb in tragic trial overstimulate the immune system?

Read: Did the MAb in tragic trial overstimulate the immune system? Medscape Medical News March 24, 2006

Due: Seminar Assignment

SEM 2, E 1107

Lecture/ Workshop: Research Project, Numbers, Human Subjects Review

Read:Bettelheim, Sections (1.1- 1.6)

Due: Individual Experiment Ideas
SEM 2, E 1105

Lecture: elements, formulas, moles, molar mass, and solutions.

Bettelheim, Sections (2.1-2.5; 5.2-5.3; & 7.1-7.5)

Quiz Today


Library workshop


Week Two (Oct 1-5)

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Lab II, 1234 & 1241

Lab:Impact of Acid Precipitation on Radish Seed Germination; Looking at Chemicals

Due: 2 Prelab Assignments

Due by 8:00 AM: Chemistry HW

SEM 2, E 1105

Lecture: Descent with Modification AND Chemical Reactions

Read: Campbell & Reece, Chapter 22

Read: Bettelheim, Sections (5.1, 5.6, 5.7, 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.6, 9.8)

Quiz Today

SEM 2, E 2107 (Rebecca's)

SEM 2, E 2109 (Ben's)

Seminar: New Perspectives in Healthcare Ethics by Rosemarie Tong, Chpt's 1 & 5 (pgs 1-5, 80-105)

Read: New Perspectives in Healthcare Ethics by Rosemarie Tong, Chpt's 1 & 5 (pgs 1-5, 80-105)

Due: Seminar Assignment

Due: Statement of Research Topic

Sign-up for Wednesday or Friday meeting times
with seminar faculty

SEM 2, E 1107

Workshop: Human Subjects Review Proposal

Due by the end of class: Final draft of group experiment


Body World 3 at OMSI, in Portland

bring a sack lunch

Meet on campus on the sidewalks of Lot C at 8:30 AM.  (While standing in the bus loop, and facing the loop, walk down the left-side sidewalks into the parking lot closest to the Communication Building and the Seminar II Building.)

Be sure to sign-up for and attend a faculty check-in meeting.

DUE By 3:00 on Friday: Lab Packet for Looking at Chemicals


Week Three (Oct 8-12)

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Lab II, 1234 & 1241

Lab: Popping Corn; Chemical Sleuthing

Due: 2 Prelab Assignments

Due by 8:00 AM: Chemistry HW

SEM 2, E 1105

Lecture: Balancing equations and organic families

Read: Bettelheim sections (5.4, 5.5 and chapter 10)

Quiz Today

SEM 2, E 2107 (Rebecca's)

SEM 2, E 2109 (Ben's)

Seminar: Not Now, I'm Having a No Hair Day by Christine Clifford

Read:Not Now, I'm Having a No Hair Day by Christine Clifford

Due: Seminar Assignment

Due: OMSI field trip assignment

CAL East or Workshop (SEM 2, E 1107)

10:45 - 12:00
CAL East or Workshop (SEM 2, E 1107)

Workshop: Human Subjects Review

Due: Individual task associsated with human subjects review

CAL: Assisted Computer Analysis for Acid Rain Lab

SEM 2, E 1105

Lecture: The cell and cell cycle; Naming and Drawing Alkanes

Read: Bettelheim sections (11.1-11.5)

Read: Campbell & Reece sections (6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.6, 12.1,& 12.2)

Quiz Today


Library workshop

DUE By 3:00 on Friday: Lab Packet for Chemical Sleuthing & Lab Packet for Radish Seeds


Week Four (Oct 15-19)

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

Microscopy and Mitosis Lab
Lab 1, 1050

Due: Prelab Assignment

Due by 8:00 AM: Chemistry HW

Due: Two copies of the completed group human subject review proposal (These will be submitted to the review board at noon. It is critical to turn in your proposal to faculty before 11:00 AM.)

SEM 2, E 1105

Lecture: The cell and cell cycle cont.

Read: Campbell & Reece sections (6.4, 6.5, 6.7, & 12.3)

Quiz Today

Breast Cancer Case Study Workshop (ROOM TBA)

Due: Readings for Breast Cancer Case Study Workshop (reading 1)(reading 2)


SEM 2, E 1107

SEM 2, E 1105

(chem review sheet)(bio review sheet)

Library workshop

DUE By 3:00 on Friday: Lab Packet for Popping Corn & Lab Packet for Microscopy


Week Five (Oct 22-26)

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Lab II, 1234 & 1241

Lab:Gases; Diffusion & Osmosis

Due: 2 Prelab Assignments

Due by 8:00 AM: Chemistry HW

SEM 2, E 1105

Lecture: Alkanes; Proteins

Read: Bettelheim chapter 11(11.1-11.5) & 22

Quiz Today

SEM 2, E 2107 (Rebecca's)

SEM 2, E 2109 (Ben's)

Seminar: New Perspectives in Healthcare Ethics by Rosemarie Tong, Chpt's 11 (pgs 262-290)

Read:New Perspectives in Healthcare Ethics by Rosemarie Tong, Chpt's 11 (pgs 262-290)

Due: Seminar Assignment

Lab II, 1234 & 1241

Lab: Gases; Diffusion & Osmosis

SEM 2, E 1105

Lecture: Meiosis and Mendelian genetics

Read:Campbell & Reece chapters 13 & 14

Quiz Today


Library workshop

DUE By 3:00 on Friday: Lab Packet for Gases & Lab Packet for Diffusion/Osmosis


Week Six (Oct 29-Nov 2)

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Lab II, 1234 & 1241

Lab:Cigarettes; Student Designed Lab

Due: 2 Prelab Assignments

Due by 8:00 AM: Chemistry HW

SEM 2, E 1105

Lecture: More on Proteins; and Eukaroyotic gene regulation and cancer

Read: Campbell & Reece sections (19.1, 19.2 & 19.3)

Read: Bettelheim chapter 22

Quiz Today

SEM 2, E 2107 (Rebecca's)

SEM 2, E 2109 (Ben's)

Seminar: Should I be tested for Cancer? Maybe not and Here's Why by H.Gilbert Welch, Part I; Chpt's 1-6

Read:Should I be tested for Cancer? Maybe not and Here's Why by H.Gilbert Welch, Part I; Chpt's 1-6

Due: Seminar Assignment

Due: Annotated Bibliography

CAL East or Workshop (SEM 2, E 1107)

10:45 - 12:00
CAL East or Workshop (SEM 2, E 1107)

Workshop: Abstract Writing

Read:Living Downstream, chpt's 1 & 2

Due: Bring your notes, from Living Downstream, and the book to workshop.

CAL: Poster Presentations Best Practices



Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center in Seattle

bring $10 for lunch at the research center

Meet on campus on the sidewalks of Lot C at 9:30 AM.  (While standing in the bus loop, and facing the loop, walk down the left-side sidewalks into the parking lot closest to the Communication Building and the Seminar II Building.)


Week Seven (Nov 5-Nov 9)

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Lab II, 1234 & 1241

Lab:Cigarettes; Student Designed Lab

Due by 8:00 AM: Chemistry HW

Due at Lab: One statement of plans from each human subject experimental team

SEM 2, E 1105

Lecture: More on Proteins; & Genetics

Read: Bettelheim chapter 22

Read: Campbell & Reece chapter 14

Quiz Today

SEM 2, E 2107 (Rebecca's)

SEM 2, E 2109 (Ben's)

Seminar: Should I be tested for Cancer? Maybe not and Here's Why by H.Gilbert Welch, Part II; Chpt's 7-10

Read: Should I be tested for Cancer? Maybe not and Here's Why by H.Gilbert Welch, Part II; Chpt's 7-10

Due: Seminar Assignment

Due: Field Trip Assignment

Due: Abstract with attached notes (from the abstract workshop)

SEM 2, E 1107

(bio review)
(chem review)

Lab II, 1234 & 1241

Lab: Cigarettes; Student Designed Lab

No Class Today



Week Eight (Nov 12-16)

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Observance of Veteran's Day

No class today

SEM 2, E 1105

Lecture: Central Dogma

Read:Campbell & Reece chapter 16 & 17

Quiz Today

SEM 2, E 2107 (Rebecca's)

SEM 2, E 2109 (Ben's)

Seminar: Peer Review of Research Project Abstracts

Due: 4 copies of your research abstract

Due: Updated Annotated Bibliography

Lab II, 1234 & 1241

Lab: Human Subject Experiments

SEM 2, E 1105

Lecture: Enzymes & GUEST SPEAKER (Karen Steingart)

Read:Bettelheim chapter 23


Optional Library workshop

DUE By 3:00 on Friday: Lab Packet for Cigarettes


Week Nine (Nov 26-30)

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Lab II, 1234 & 1241

Lab: Review of Take-home Exams

Due: Prelab Assignment

Due: Final Draft of Research Project Abstract with Additional Readings (due electronically in proper format to Rebecca)

Due by 8:00 AM: Chemistry HW

SEM 2, E 1105

Lecture: Nuclear Chemistry & GUEST SPEAKER (Carolyn Prouty)

Read: Bettelheim chapter 3

Quiz Today

SEM 2, E 2107 (Rebecca's)

SEM 2, E 2109 (Ben's)

Seminar: Living Downstream by Sandra Steingraber

Read:Living Downstream by Sandra Steingraber

Due: Seminar Assignment

Lab II, 1234 & 1241

Lab: Radioactivity

SEM 2, E 1105

Lecture: GUEST SPEAKER (Nancy Anderson) & Review for the Final

Quiz Today


Optional Library workshop

DUE By 3:00 on Friday: Lab Packet for Radioactivity; & Lab Packet from the student designed lab


Week Ten (Dec 3-7)

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
lab 2, 2207

Comprehensive Final Exam

Due by 8:00 AM: Chemistry HW

Individual Preparation Time for the Poster Presentations

Lab II, 1234 & 1241

Lab: Lab Clean-up

10:30 - 12
Individual Preparation Time for Poster Presentations

SEM 2, E 1105

Potluck and FOHS Symposium of Research Posters

Due: Research Poster

Evaluation Week Runs from December 10-14. Unless you get faculty approval, do not plan to depart campus before December 14. Evaluation conferences will be scheduled with your seminar faculty member.



Created by Rebecca Sunderman ( .....Last Updated on 11-30-07

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