Gratian Decretum, Paris or Sens, ca. 1170-80
The following assignments are the specific work for the all-program sessions. Please remember that there will be seminar assignments and French class assignments each week as well. Students are responsible for keeping track of the work due for their specific all-program/seminar/French class combination. The all-program component of Illuminations is worth 4 credits.
Readings: Each week there will be one or several all-program readings. In order for the all-program lectures and workshops to work, each student must read all the assigned material before that day's sessions begin. Also, everyone must participate fully in each workshop. Students who do not read, or who do not participate in workshops, will lose credits.
Attendance: Attendance is mandatory. Students who miss more than 2 all-program lectures/workshops during the quarter will jeopardize their credit. Each student will be responsible for signing the sign-up sheets at each session.
Written Workshop Assignments: After each all-program workshop, type up a thoughtful one-to-two page response inspired by the workshop questions. This short paper should be a well-written reflection on the themes and ideas generated by your participation in the workshop. Keep all completed assignments together in one thin paper folder (or simply staple them all together). This folder will be handed in to your seminar faculty for evaluation at the end of the quarter (Monday, December 4 of week 10). Your credits and evaluation of the all-program work will depend heavily on the quality and completion of these workshop assignments.
Please note that workshop assignments are not handed out in advance. You must be present at the all-program meetings to learn the exact nature of each workshop. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to procure the questions for each workshop.
Please note: the faculty will not accept late or incomplete workshop assignment folders.
Take-Home Exam: The second major component of the all-program written work is the take-home essay exam. This exam will consist of several essay questions, to be answered in essays of 2-4 typewritten pages each. The exam will cover the all-program lectures, workshops and readings.
The essay exam will be distributed in class during week 8. Fall Quarter: Completed essay exams are due at 9 a.m. Monday, November 26 (week 9), after Thanksgiving break. Since the essays will be in-depth, complicated reflections on program themes, they will take quite a while to complete. (In the past, students have needed several days for each essay.) Winter Quarter exam information TBA.
No late exams will be accepted. Exams must be typed, and must use standard academic footnoting and quoting formats.
Winter quarter individual research paper/project assignment and due-date schedules are TBA.
We will post Winter quarter lecture/workshop schedules and reading assignments shortly.
All-program lecture/workshop schedule and reading assignments for fall quarter:
Week 1:
Monday, Sept 24 Introductions;
Bailey: Inside/Outside: symbols clés du monde mediéval
Thursday, Sept 27 Workshop on Foucault
All-program reading: Foucault, Madness and Civilization
Week 2:
Monday, October 1 Davis: Merovingian and Carolingian France; gender and power
Thursday, October 4 Workshop on Charlemagne’s Mustache
All-program reading: two chapters from Charlemagne’s Mustache
Week 3:
Monday, October 8 Bailey: L’Amour-Passion/ L’Amour-Dieu: tensions in a Medieval Worldview
Thursday, October 11 Workshop on Marie de France
All-program reading: The Lais of Marie de France
Week 4:
Monday, October 15 Davis and Bailey: Ritual et ses functions: Pilgrimage, ritual violence, purification
Thursday, October 18 Workshop on pilgrimage
All-program reading: The Pilgrimage to Santiago and articles on pilgrimages
Week 5:
Monday, October 22 Davis: Transition to the High Middle Ages; What was Feudalism?; the values of chivalry
Thursday, October 25 Workshop on Troubadours lyrics
All-program reading: Troubadour poetry; excerpts from The Knight, The Lady and The Priest;
Tyerman, The Crusades: A Very Short Introduction
Week 6:
Monday, October 29 Bailey: Le Romantisme et l’art medieval: symbolisms et sensibilités
Thursday, November 1 Workshop: Tristan and Isolde, opera viewing; possible guest lecture
by Hiro Kawasaki;
All program reading: Roman de Tristan
Week 7:
Monday, November 5 Guest lecture by Olivier Soustelle on medieval decorative arts/arch and neo-gothic.
Thursday, November 8 Workshop: Herman Hesse
All-program reading: Hesse, Narcissus and Goldmund
Week 8:
Monday, Nov 12 Davis: Crisis in the 14th century: Plague, war, famine
Thursday, November 15 Workshop: The Trial of Joan of Arc; film with Artaud on Joan
All-program reading: The Trial of Joan of Arc
Week 9:
Monday, Nov 26 Final Exam due on Monday morning
Bailey: L’Illumination: l’Eglise, l’art, le Vagabondage
Thursday, Nov 30 TBA
Week 10:
Monday, Dec 3 Workshop essay journal due Monday morning
Thursday, Dec 6 TBA