Links & Documents

for texts to purchse and a schedule of readings, click "Readings" at the left



Portfolio Contents

Week Nine Reading

Week 8 Readings (still under construction)

Steven's Seminar: Week 5


Read for Week One: "Consequences," Stanley Fish + 2.5 Essays by Curtis White = all here, in pdf form
Go to Program Wiki about these readings

Download articles Separately:
What's Next? Calvino and the Literature of Monstrous Possibility
Writing the Life Postmodern & The War Against Theory

Note: I've altered the Curtis White readings from what I previously indicated. Now you have "What's Next..." + the beginning of "The War Against Theory" (the rest is boring), and "Writing the Life Postmodern."




The schedule thing with all the assignments on it, including the synthesis...

Assignment for week 2:

1. expand 2 short Stein passages toward normative expressions that carry the meaning that you put into it as you read.

& 2. Prepare to perform 2 short passages

First Essay

Week One: Toward the Zero Point


Recommended Reading & Links

here are some bonus readings some of which may be required after the conference

excerpt: Ben Marcus on difficult literature

A Reader's Manifesto: Myers critiques pandering critics and popular literature
interview with Myers

Week Four Readings

Documents from Tuesday, Week Four:

Structuralism Workshop
Schedule for the next few weeks + assignments
Table of Elements Assignment

Monstrous Binaries

Various Articles:

Stein: Unlikely Modernism, Unlikely Postmodernism
Calvino and the Value of Literature
Calvino: Praxis or Poiesis
Beckett's Turning Point
Beckett's Tattered Syntax

Calvino: Cybernetics & Ghosts

Derrida Link (sort of useful) has Monsters!

from Event, Philippe Sollers
Roland Barthes's essay on Philippe Sollers's novel Drame (translated as Event).

Society of the Spectacle, Debord

Foucault: "What is an Author?"

Here is an online edition of 'Death of the Author':

and here is a link to 'From work to text':
A Readable Document: Work to Text

Jabes Readings:

Graven Silence of Writing
When Silence Speaks
The Book of Questions

If on a winer's night a travelerThe Chart

Calvino: "How I Wrote [If on a winter's night a traveler]"

Reading: from The Reenchantment of Art, buy Suzi Gablik; excerpts from her argument that art has run its course under the current paradigms and needs to function differently in the service of social and communal values. I've pulled 2 chapters for you: ch. 3 & ch 5

Reading: from Blanchot's The Writing of the Disaster


Stein Resource Page
Stein: the Atom Bomb
Stein Reader
Stein's Tender Buttons

Conferences mentioned: FC2 ; Centrum

related to the Fish essay and mentioned in White's: Against Theory, Knapp & Michaels.
and here is their sequel: Against Theory 2...I find this one particularly irritating except it's worth seeing how they discuss hermeneutics and deconstruction and observing the "moves" in their argument. The "examples" are worthless.


After reading Fish and Knapp and Michaels and various aspects of the anti-theory concept, my reactionary inner voice wanted to see the "Against Practice" movement or "Against Criticism." I love criticism, of course, and whatever practice is, but I don't think it's any more real than theory. In any case, we're lucky that Susan Sontag already wrote it; here it is: "Against Interpretation." I can't imagine not assigning this piece at some point in the quarter, but here it is now.


I sure you'll run into this in the readings: Wimsatt &Beardsley's essay on "The Intentional Fallacy" —good reading in relation to the Fish and Knapp and Michaels (if you get to that).