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The term "Postcolonialism" refers to a large and diverse body of work. Some thinkers envision postcolonialism as a counter-discourse to colonialist and imperialist "knowledge": a deconstruction of the colonized mind. Others see it as an indicator of successful colonization since, in many cases, newly "postcolonialist" states did not exist before colonizers carved up and named territories.

According to Benita Parry,

"Amongst the many sober definitions of the term are those denoting a historical transition, a cultural location, a discursive stance, an epochal condition distinguished by the entry into metropolitan cultures of other voices, histories and experiences, and an acheived transition." (from Postcolonialist Studies: A Materialist Critique, Routledge, 2004.)

Wikipedia links:

postcolonialism: [1] founding postcolonialist thinkers: Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak [2], Edward Said [3], and Homi K. Bhabha [4]