Public Readings/Performances/Daytime Panel Schedule

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P R E S S: A Cross-Cultural Literary Conference @ The Evergreen State College May 24-25 2008


Public Readings/Performances:

Friday, May 23rd 8pm Location: The Evergreen State College, Seminar II C1105 Readings:

Laura Elrick

Zhang Er

Steven Hendricks

Tung-Hui Hu

Tom Orange

Kaia Sand

David Michael Wolach

Saturday, May 24th 4pm Location: The Evergreen State College, Seminar II D1107 Performance:

“The Key: Re-Visioning Bluebeard,” a play by Drue Robinson, directed by Kate Arvin

Saturday, May 24th 8pm Location: Ward building (Downtown Olympia, 4th Street, Next to Jake’s on 4th) Readings, Performance, Afterparty With DJ Artaud:

Rodrigo Toscano’s Collapsible Poetics Theater

Jules Boykoff

Roger Farr

Kristin Prevallet

Leonard Schwartz

Mark Wallace

Sunday, May 25th 5:30pm Location: The Evergreen State College, Seminar II D1107 Performance:

“The Once American Dream: An Anti-Anti War Musical,” by Jais Brohinksy and David Cohen, directed by Kate Arvin

Sunday, May 25th 8pm Location: Ward building (Downtown Olympia, 4th Street, Next to Jake’s on 4th) Readings, Performance, Afterparty with Bands Moonstruck, The Rolling Stones, and The Others:

Lindsey Boldt

Combinatorics Theater

Andrew Csank

K. Lorraine Graham

Holly Melgard

Grant Miller

Kate Robinson

Daytime Schdule for Panels/Workshops:

Saturday May 24, 9-1030 am: Welcome and Opening Remarks with John Bellamy Foster

Saturday 11am-1pm: First Session

Small Press Panels for Editors and Designers Location: C2107

Nicholas Hayes (of Ignavia)

Sarah Mangold (of Bird Dog)

Jack Morgan (of Stormy Petral)

Rose O’Keefe (of Eraser Head)

Meghan McNealy (of Slightly West)

Editors of small presses and journals will join in a roundtable discussion about the politics and economics of publishing in a world dominated by large publishing conglomerates. What does the future hold for small presses? What are the challenges? What is at stake? Discussion will focus on DIY and independent publishing interventions.

Olympia Activism: Immigration Rights, Unionism, and the Anti-War Movement after the Port Protests Location: C2109

Gabriel Coeli

Ben Farr

Crista Kilduff

Steve Niva

Christopher Rotondo

Katie Waldeck

This panel will reflect in creative and constructive ways on the strategic decisions made by Olympia activists and discuss avenues for future collaboration across activist groups.

Mind Parasites Location: C3107

Tyler Bennett

Daniel Brittain

Kenneth Fairfield

Alex Dodwell

Conceptualizing mind parasites is a way of drawing attention to ideas which control people. Disincarnate spirits, energetic entities, ghosts, angels, and other non-corporeal beings influencing the behavior of humans exist as pervasive cross-cultural myths. Larger manifestations of the phenomenon take form as fundamentalism, fascism, consumerism; concentrations of meaning which resist the natural flux of thought. The panel will be exploring some contemporary and not so contemporary perspectives on mind parasites considering the works of Bataille, Nietzsche, Carl Jung, G.I. Gurdjieff, Aleister Crowley, and the Nag Hammadi Library.

Radical Storytelling/Radical Identities Location: C3109

Alejandra Abreu

Khadija Anderson

Kylen Clayton

Erin Genia

Erika Marquez-Santillan

What power do stories hold over us? When underrepresented writers begin to tell their stories, how can they change the way we think about “storytelling” and its implications for social change as well as social continuity?

Landscapes of Dissent: Guerrilla Poetry and Public Space Location: D2107

Jules Boykoff

Kaia Sand

This interactive workshop will present several ideas about poetry and its impact on public space, as well as several models for public space projects before moving the conversation toward a discussion of future actions.

Saturday 1pm-3pm: Lunch

Saturday 3pm-5pm: Second Session

Libraries: Bridging Activist and Writing Communities Location: C2107

Karl Eckler

Sara Medlicott

Holly Maxim

Randy Stilson

As funding for public libraries continues to decline and all libraries face federal intervention in the wake of the Patriot Act, this panel considers what roles librarians, writers and readers play in defending the rights of library patrons. How do libraries weigh cost vs. need? How does the onset of new media impact the role of the library?

Independent Media Location: C2109

Rafael Dwan, Free Radio Olympia

Christopher Hord, KAOS FM

Rick McKinnon

The same technological advances that spur global media conglomerates to merge and devour each other also lower the bar to entry for independent practitioners driven by a personal passion for their subject areas. Audio and video “narrowcasters” challenge traditional broadcasting, while independent journalists establish themselves through websites, blogs, and multimedia. This panel will use participants’ own experiences as the springboard for a discussion of how independent media outlets can continue to contribute to their local communities and why they are needed now more than ever.

The Unwritten Body Location: C3107

Jessica Baron

Jennifer Bartlett

Jessica Tourtellotte

Larina Warnock

Panelists will discuss the various ways we can employ physical and biological bodies in written work, through multiple media and forms, in order to give balance to our physical, emotional, and mental lives on the page.

Anarchism, Poetics, Dissent Location: C3109

Roger Farr

Jenny Paris-Cossu

Victoria Larkin

Nicky Tiso

This panel will explore hierarchies within the culture industry as embedded linguistic practices. Through a critique of normative power structures within educational and artistic institutions from the perspectives of anarchism and left socialism, we hope to move towards a future poetics of collaboration, praxis, and imminent critique.

Sunday 10am-11am: Breakfast

Sunday 11am-1pm: Third Session

Feminist Poetics/Feminist Literature Location: C2107

K. Lorraine Graham

Sarah Tavis

Alice Templeton

Amory Ballantine

American avant-garde poets and text artists will give their perspectives on feminism in literature today. Coming from varying perspectives and schools of thought, the panelists will critically and creatively explore topics such as poetry's complicity in the violence it seeks to resist, contemporary women's writing, and postmodern femininity.

The Rupture of Form: Everything You Can Do With Text And Haven't Yet Thought Of Location: C2109

Robert Gibbons

Jennifer Burris

Myrna Keliher

Lionel Lints

Kate Robinson

Meghan McNealy

This panel will explore textual interventions that defy normative description, categorization, and, potentially, commodification. Panelists will read from their work and discuss the politics of breaking accepted notions of form.

Globalism In Literature and Globalization: Postcolonialism and Emergent Languages Location: C3107

Marie Alcaron

Michael Palmer

Laura Sández

Mark Wallace

Neoliberalism in both the arts and in the wider western cultural landscape has, in many ways, re-appropriated “the language of postcolonialism.” Some have argued that this re-appropriation is itself a re-colonization of non-Western cultural modalities, including the text arts. And yet globalization has led to the opening of conversation between poets and writers across borders, as evidenced by the enormous range of translation work being done today. Participants in this panel will discuss the effects of neoliberalism and postcolonialism from widely varying perspectives.

Literary Prototypes: Negotiating Human and Machine Location: C3109

Nicholas Hayes

Tung-Hui Hu

Christopher Hord

This panel will explore how emergent technologies have provoked evolution in the form and sociopolitics of text-based arts over the past decade. Discussion will be centered around the presentation of literary work that ranges from the combinatoric, algorithmic, and constructivist to more free-form work influenced by web-based technologies.

The Art of the Book Location: D2107

Steven Hendricks

Danny Kalen

Alicia Minkel

Jenny Paris

Rebecca Taplin

This workshop will involve a discussion and some demonstration of book arts by resident faculty and student artists. Evergreen has a long history of book-making and design work, with a print studio that houses the largest number of letterpresses of any college in the state. This interactive workshop will also involve a tour of the print studio.

Sunday 3pm-5pm: Fourth Session

Writing from the other side Location: C2107

Bill Barr

Barry Graham

Jeff Konen

An activist, an inner-city-raised Amish person and a stand-up comedian walk into a bar …er, into a cross cultural reading. And the panel says, “What's it like to write from the other side?”

Plagiarism: Re-Appropriation of Language within Educational Systems Location: C2109

Andrew Fox

Reg Johnson

This panel will explore textual interventions that defy normative description, categorization, and, potentially, commodification. Panelists will read from their work and discuss the politics of breaking accepted notions of form.

Liminal Poetics: From Darragh to Toscano, Writing at the Edge of Performance Location: C3107

Jason Conger

Holly Melgard

Tom Orange

David Michael Wolach

What are the political implications and efficacies of experimental poets moving into writing for theatrical performance? This panel will discuss Toscano’s Collapsible Poetics Theater on the heels of Saturday night’s public performance. Bringing a performer’s, poet’s and scholar’s perspective to bear, Tom Orange will describe the trajectory of Toscano's work from his early poetry into CPT, including an analysis of audio and video recordings. The panel will then consider the work of Tina Darragh, an older Language Poet who has also moved into theater writing, including a staged reading of one of Darragh's recent theater pieces for comparison and enjoyment.

Ecopoetics Location: C3109

Andrew Csank

Laura Elrick

Nick Smith

This panels seeks to build bridges between scientific and poetic discourses through the emerging techne of ecopoetics. It asks, can poetry intervene in the public sphere on behalf of the environment, and what would that intervention look like?

Mad Libs from the Underground: Writing from _____ (adj) words Location: D2107

Sandra Yannone

Victoria Larkin

Inspired by a collection of snippets, we will create our own snippets, which we will then dissect and re-weave into larger collaborative works.