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P R E S S:

      A      Cross-Cultural Literary Conference
        @     The Evergreen State College

May 24-5 2008

Keynote speakers will include: experimental playwright, poet and activist Rodrigo Toscano (author of To Leveling Swerve), Gertrude Stein Prize-Winning writer Mark Wallace (author of Temporary Worker Rides a Subway), poet Laura Elrick (author of Fantasies In Permeable Structures), novelist and columnist Randall Kenan (author of Walking on Water: Black American Lives at the Turn of the 21stCentury), poet and film theorist Tung-Hui Hu (author of Mine)poet Leonard Schwartz (author of Gnostic Blessing), poet and essayist Kristin Prevallet (author of Shadow Evidence Intelligence and Third Mind: Creative Writing Through Visual Art), John Bellamy Foster (Editor of The Monthly Review) and many others.

This year’s theme is “Activism & the Avant-Garde.” We are seeking papers, prose, poetics, groups of poems, and any hybrid text-based work that would advance discussion of at least one of the central questions posed at this conference: 1) Where is the intersection between political resistance and the Avant-Garde, both historically and now? 2) What is the function (if any) of “non-mainstream” literary work—and what do we mean by “non-mainstream”? 3) How has non-mainstream writing evolved recently? Any work that addresses literary matters in relation to commercialism and the economics of particular literary landscapes, imperialism, ethnography, feminism, postcolonialism, translation, globalization, web technology, or particular writers and/or small presses is especially welcome. All writers awarded panel and/or workshop spots will have their work published as part of an anthology.

To Submit: Deadline for Submissions is May 1, 2008. For MP students and Evergreen students, staff, and faculty generally, as well as local community activists and writers, we have extended the deadline to May 10, 2008.

See our website for guidelines

To Attend: Press is open to the public. See our website for further details.


Questions, Comments, Submissions? Visit our website or email us at (Professors David Michael Wolach or Elizabeth Williamson)