Class Schedule
10 -12 A.M. - All Program meeting - Sem II, C1107
2 - 4 P.M. - Book seminar
Andrew's seminar - Library 1003
Bruce's seminar - Library 1005
Nancy's seminar - Library 2205
Rita's seminar - Library 2207
2 - 4 P.M. - Book seminar - Library rooms
9 - 12 A.M. - Writing tutorials
Andrew's seminar - Sem II, B 2105, B 3107
Bruce's seminar - Sem II, D 3107, D 3109
Nancy's seminar - Sem II, E 2107, E 2109
Rita's seminar - Sem II, E 3107, E 3109
2 - 5 P.M. - All Program meeting - Sem II, D1105
Week 1 (1/5-9)
Sophocles, Philoctetes in Sophocles II, Chicago 1969 - entire play
Week 2 (1/12-16)
Aristotle, Nichomachean Ethics, Hackett, 1999 - entire book
Week 3 (1/19-23)
Kant, Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals, Cambridge, 1997 - through sec. II
Week 4 (1/26-30)
Groundwork - sec. III
Week 5 (2/2-6)
Sophocles, Antigone in Three Theban Plays, Penguin, 1984 - entire play
Week 6 (2/9-13)
Shakespeare, Othello, Penguin, 2001 - entire play
Week 7 (2/16-20)
Hannah Arendt, Eichmann in Jerusalem, Penguin, 1965 - through chap. 7
Week 8 (2/23-27)
Alexander Solzhenitsyn, One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, Signet, 2008 - entire book
Week 9 (3/2-6)
Charles Eastman, The Soul of the Indian, Dover, 2003 - entire book
Jonathan Lear, Radical Hope, Harvard, 2006 - through chapter 2
Week 10 (3/9-13)
Radical Hope - entire book
There are three paper assignment categories: seminar papers, writing workshop papers and a research paper.
Seminar papers
Each Tuesday all students will submit a short paper on the week's assigned reading to the seminar leader at the book seminar.
Writing workshop papers
Each Friday all students will submit a longer paper on the week's assigned reading to the seminar leader at the writing workshop. Students will be broken into groups (Groups A and B) and have additional duties. During alternating weeks members of group A or B will be responsible for making copies of their paper and distributing copies to other workshop members. The writer will read the paper out load during the workshop and then solicit responses and editorial suggestions. Based on these comments, the writer will prepare a final draft and submit the final draft to the seminar leader the following Tuesday at the book seminar.
Research paper
Each student will write a research paper. The paper will be developed in four stages over the quarter, with the following due dates for each stage.
Reseach proposal - due 1/16
Research methodology, annotated bibliography and outline - due 2/12 or 2/13
First Draft - due 2/23
Final Draft - due 3/9
At the end of the quarter, each student will make an oral presentation on their research paper during the week of March 9-13.