There are Abigail Child videos at!
You can see Mayhem, Perils, and also Mercy (which we didn't see in class).
There are Abigail Child videos at!
You can see Mayhem, Perils, and also Mercy (which we didn't see in class).
Syllabus with slight updates for end of Week 1 [added Alej and Cristal to teaching schedule].
Under WEEK 1 READINGS I've posted several things that came up in discussion Week 1, including more relevant keywords essays that will be useful to many of you, I imagine, Pee Wee Herman essays, and "flying doughnuts"-related material.
I've also posted all of the WEEK 2 READINGS.
There's a WEEK 3 READING up, too (the Minh-Ha piece).
[Highy recommended. Sarah Jane is an animator who makes smart, interesting work. We were in grad school together in Chicago in the late-1990s at the School of the Art Institute.]
Sarah Jane Lapp Tuesday, April 7, 4:00, Lecture Hall I
WEEK 1 Readings are up. Click on READINGS in Right Column