Week 2


Review the attached articles for Tuesday's seminar

There are some additional articles posted for your reading related to air pollution.


See Lin's email below and attachement:

In our two-week effort to develop an understanding of the international
context for Env Health, please do the following, in preparation for
tomorrow's class and seminar discussion.

* We didn't really get a
chance to talk about IPEN, as we'd planned last week. So if you haven't
yet, get acquainted with IPEN. (see last week)

* I also mentioned other key organizations with important national-to-international linkages:
www.turi.org (Toxic Use Reduction Institute, UMASS/Lowell)
www.sustainableproduction.org (Sustainable Production Ctr, UMASS/Lowell

www.apha.org (American Public Health Association. Go to "Programs & Resources" to find Env Health and Global Health)

* Main, new reading for tomorrow: attached article from New Solutions: A Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health Policy.
Also, this selected reading from two organizations -

Public Citizen is one of the key NGOs to persistently examine the
impact of current and evolving trade regimens as they impact public
Lori Wallach is well recognized for her work on this issue. Explore the website. Read 2 very short factsheets:

"Warning: WTO Can Be Hazardous to Public Health" (9/11/03) http://www.citizen.org/print_article.cfm?ID=10444

"Trade Agreement Threats to Toxics Regulation" (10/24/08) http://www.citizen.org/documents/StatesFactSheet-Toxins.pdf

Center for International Environmental Law Explore the website,
noting front-page article on "Breakthrough Agreement on Mercury"

Go to the Chem Pubs page.. www.ciel.org/Publications/pubpops.html
Read .. "The States and the World" and "Where is the Middle Ground on
POPS?" (note the statement from Hilda Solis, (US House, from CA; now
Labor Secy in Obama Adm))




Kirk Smith 2007 review.pdf163.4 KB
Air China.pdf914.36 KB
Exposure effects China.pdf108.35 KB
Env Health New Solutions -- Trade & Public Goods.doc4.8 MB
Guatemala birth weight and indoor air pollution.pdf519.81 KB
Guatemala 3 stove comparison.pdf77.41 KB
Energy 2007.pdf976.55 KB
Guatemala lung function Mayan women 2007.pdf273.17 KB
Children Morbidity in Chinese cities.pdf1.76 MB
Indoor air pollution challenge.pdf1.55 MB
Biomarkers 2007.pdf139.41 KB
Asthmatic symptoms schools.pdf195.54 KB
WHO_SDE_OEH_02.05.pdf265.68 KB
WHO fuelforlife.pdf1.35 MB
Env Health New Solutions -- Trade & Public Goods.doc4.8 MB