D. ARCHIVE - Sean D. - mediaartiststudio

Sean D.

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[edit] Sean's AIM

I will be working on COOLYMPIA for the next two quarters. The end result will be a 30 minute pilot episode, a demo version of the episode, and an individual demo showcasing my own contributions to this episode. In addition to my COOLYMPIA work, I will be assisting others on their own AIMs with the musical compositions.

[edit] WEB BLOG

Sean D.'s BlogWeb


My official jobs are:

[edit] Post-Production Supervisor

I will be overseeing the editing, graphics, sync sound, and basically assembling the final cut of the episode. It will be my responsibility to see that all animation, sound, and live action segments are in on time. I will also be in charge of printing the episode to tape and burning it to DVD, for which I will design the menu. For these tasks, I will be working in Final Cut Pro, DVD Studio Pro, and After Effects.

[edit] Musical Composer

I will be composing the music for the show using musical instruments and Digital Performer. For songs requiring vocals, I will be working with performers to get the results I need. I will be composing both incidental music (background music) and songs to be performed by characters.

[edit] Animator

I plan to contribute 2-3 animations totaling about 4-6 minutes in length. The premise of these animations is as yet undetermined, but as the pilot script gets developed further, I will have a clearer idea as to how I can tie them in to the episode's theme. There is a high chance I will be including my cartoon robot as a principal role in the show, where he will interact with live actors. I will be using a number of different animation styles, with a main focus on After Effects.

[edit] Trance TV

I will be producing and directing a psychedelic TV show for tctv (channel 22) starting the first week of February. A new episode will be made every month. It will be an experimental, psychedelic, ambient, video show that I will create with my friends, or anyone who is willing to help. It will be a very simplistic structure. Each episode will be created "on the spot" with no production planning. I will be using advanced final cut effects such as "vectorize color" and alpha blending. The show's purpose will be to help viewers fall into a trance or to meditate. There will be no budget because i will be using old, used dv tapes and free tctv equipment.


If anyone would like any assistance with the musical component of their projects, please e-mail me so we can discuss further.


[edit] Winter

Week 1: Develop story for animations
Week 2: Develop storyboard for animations
Week 3: Develop soundtrack outline for animations
Week 4: Begin first stages of animation (tests, sketches)
Week 5: Develop song and musical outline
Week 6: Write lyrics for songs
Week 7: Begin recording instrumental track for songs
Week 8: Continue animating and composing
Week 9: Continue animation and composing
Week 10: Continue animation and composing

[edit] Spring

Week 1: Assist in production of episode and music arrangement
Week 2: Adding additional graphics and music
Week 3: First stage of editing and finalizing music
Week 4: Second Stage of editing and last stage of music
Week 5: Music deadline, continue editing
Week 6: Animation deadline
Week 7: Fix any last minute animation, graphics, or songs
Week 8: Last stages in editing
Week 9: Create and finalize final cut of episode
Week 10: Create and finalize demo

[edit] Deadlines

Mar. 20: Music Deadline
May 15: Animation Deadline and Sound Deadline
May 29: Pilot Final Cut Deadline
June 4: Demo Deadline