Thanks for such a great first week.  Here is the work for week 2.  If you have any questions you can email us, or comment below and one of us will answer.

Please make sure you are well-engaged with your dream journal and beginning to create those synthesis pages – don’t forget to date them.

Also – you should be typing your writing from our “How I Write” session and taking that to your tutor this week. After the meeting type up your impressions of the meeting and what learning goals and outcomes you wrote for yourself.

10:00 - brief all-group meeting in COM 110 followed by:
Beginning the Inquiry w/ sly
Library research w/ Sarah Pedersen
Time Management/Google calendar w/ Core Connectors and Amy Greene
DUE: Your topic - follow the blurb under TOPIC on page 2 of your Prospectus assignment. - TYPE THIS!
10:00 -
Drums: a discussion with Terry

Panel Discussion: Cultural Appreciat'n/ Appropriat'n: A Continuum

Retreat Planning

Integrative Expressive Arts Lab
Seminar: Jung Part I
DUE: Bring one solid question (typed) which you feel is substantial enough that you can use it to lead a 5-minute discussion in seminar. Make sure your question references a specific citation from the text and that it is typed.
Seminar: Diallo (read the entire text)
DUE: ticket to seminar:
Write one to two paragraphs on each question. Please cite specific pages from each book that support your thinking.

1) What is the relationship between music and community in Diallo’s native culture?

2) How does the work of C.G.Jung inform your understanding of “The Healing Drum” ?

3) What is one concept that you don't yet understand, and what do you currently "think" that it means?

Upcoming: Our program will be on retreat during week 3.  We will leave on Tuesday, October 13 in the morning and return in the late afternoon, October 15.  Please arrange your work and other schedules to allow you to be away from campus (Fort Flagler) for these three days.

Cynthia’s video pick of the week:  The Great Chinese State Circus:  Swan Lake

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