Welcome welcome everyone!

We look forward to seeing all of you at 10am on Tuesday, January 5 in Com 110.  Bring your own tea mug as we will be serving tea.  You will learn of your seminar leader after lunch that day.

******Please note these changes to our weekly schedule*****

Tuesdays 2:00-2:30 – peer group meetings

Thursday mornings:  9:30-12:30 (instead of 10-1)

Tuesday, Jan. 5Wednesday, Jan. 6Thursday, Jan. 7
All-group meeting - bring a tea mugOpen Space - The Great Turning ClassIntegrative Expressive Arts Lab
Gahu, Yoga Nidra and Working with Mandalas - Please bring layered clothing as well as a blanket (if you get cold easily) and even an eye pillow if you have one AND also bring your colored pencils.
Seminar Hawken p. 1-88

Please prepare your seminar ticket as follows:
Type your answer to these questions...
1. What is the thesis of this text?
2. Write a one-two paragraphs describing how some of the ideas of Blessed Unrest are related to current social issues.
3. Bring three, REAL conceptual questions that would be good for use in leading a 5 minute discussion in seminar. Make sure each one cites a specific passage from the text.
Seminar Hawken p. 89-190

Please prepare your seminar ticket as follows:
Type two additional questions that arose from you after seminar on Tuesday.

DUE: Please check your winter paper assignment for what is due today - clean prospectus for returning students and the beginnings of the prospectus for new students.

in process- Monday, 12/28

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