Tuesday Am – Cultural Identity Panel with Evergreen Guest, Film “The Way Home” – Shakti Butler, Writing Workshop – Outlines and Organization, Bring working copies of the “claims” you are developing

Seminar Ticket: If “Ishmael” presents a vision of cages we may live in unknowingly, what are some of the cages Obama had to negotiate? ( reference with page number and quotes) pg. vii- 248.

Wednesday -Biography: Writing About People and Places with Rebecca Chamberlain, Film and Dialogue

Thursday - Bring yoga mat for practice first hour, Cop/Corporations in the Head, Beyond the Binary Campus Wide Dialogue faciltated by Norma Alicia Pino and Fletcher Ward

pm – Seminar – How would you describe Obama’s voice as an author and how does this book help us understand the relationship between power and identity? ( include pg.numbers).  How do the film and workshops this week contribute to your understanding of power and identity?

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