Archive for the “schedule” Category

Hello hello!

Welcome all.  We’ve been hearing good things about all of you from our colleagues in the library, academic advising, the computer lab and housing.  We hear you are ready to work!  So, with that in mind…here is your first week’s schedule.  Monday is usually a “work and study” day for our program, so you should go ahead and plan to read on that day.


10-1: Opening workshop We have a long wait list, so make sure to be present so we know you are really wanting to be enrolled.
TO DO: Please read: the syllabus and covenant - we will bring hard copies to class.
Guest speaker: Joe McHugh - family stories

Film: Wisdom of the Dream
10-1: Integrative Expressive Arts lab - you will NOT need a yoga mat for this day, but should wear layered clothing that will allow you to move freely.
Seminar: Berry's article The American College in the Ecological Age. Please download this from the web site (see downloadable files on menu bar to the right) and bring a hard copy with your comment and markings all over it.

DUE: ticket to seminar - bring a typed paper that does these three things:
1. Cites a passage (type it out and reference the page number) that you find unclear and would like to discuss with others.
2. A cited (eg. reference the page number) idea that you find essential to Berry's point of view. Type this out as well.
3. A real (for you) question which emerges for you after you have read the text. This question should reference a specific part of the text, so make sure to include a page number.
Seminar: Jung, Part I
DUE: ticket to seminar - bring a typed paper that does these three things:
1. Cites a passage (type it out and reference the page number) that you find unclear and would like to discuss with others.
2. A cited (eg. reference the page number) idea that you find essential to Jung's point of view. Type this out as well.
3. A real (for you) question which emerges for you after you have read the text. This question should reference a specific part of the text, so make sure to include a page number.

Upcoming: Our program will be on retreat during week 3.  We will leave on Tuesday, October 13 in the morning and return in the late afternoon, October 15.  Please arrange your work and other schedules to allow you to be away from campus (Fort Flagler) for these three days.

And, send any of us an email if you have any questions.

Cynthia’s video pick of the week: Paul Hawken, Blessed Unrest, the film

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