Web Links
Spring Quarter Postings
Web Links for Olympic Peninsula Field Trip
I. Student project we will visit Tuesday morning (Frank’s yard!)
II. Elwha River: Info on Hiking and Ecological Restoration
Elwha River Trail: Park Service info
Elwha River Trail: detailed description for hikers
Elwha River Trail: More information than you will ever need!
Olympic National Park Elwha Restoration
Elwha Watershed Information Resource
American Rivers NGO: Dam Removals
American Rivers NGO: Elwha Restoration
III. Port Townsend
Walkable and Livable Communities Institute
Required, in preparation for Farmworker’s Panel of 3/30/10:
- read very brief overview from Institute for Food and Development Policy
- review the National Farm Worker Ministry website
Winter Quarter Postings
Evergreen’s Organic Farm
- Virtual Tour
- Lots of Info (home page plus lots of links about the farm)
Climate Change Information
- NOAA Climate Services
- Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
- US Environmental Protection Agency
- National Council for Science and the Environment
- National Climate Seminar
- Climate Change and Pacific Rim Indigenous Nations
Action Against Climate Change
- Climate Solutions, Olympia, WA
- Evergreen Clean Energy Committee
- 350.org
- Focus the Nation
- Climate Challenge
Other Winter Quarter Web Links
- Capitol Lake Reports
- Leasing the Rain (Cochabamba Water Privatization Video)
- Angus Wright on the Landless Workers’ Movement of Brazil (recent video)
- Edible Landscapes Website
Fall Quarter Postings
- The Great Mirror – images of cultural landscapes by Bret Wallach, University of Oklahoma geography professor
- Mount Rainier National Park
- Nisqually Indian Tribe
- Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge
- Nisqually River Council
- Nisqually Delta Restoration
- Bonneville Dam
- Columbia Hills Petroglyphs
- Yakama Nation Museum and Cultural Center
- Indian Reservation Boundaries in Google Earth
- Kennedy Creek Salmon Trail Information