Title: Seamless
Synopsis: For the assignment It’s Personal I will create a semi-autobiographical, mixed media short film. My greatest fear is losing my mind, so my film will follow me chasing marbles through three distinct segments of my life. Since I tend to have a positive, imaginative perspective on life I will experiment with animation, chroma key, childhood footage, experiential sounds, and costumes. With seamless transitions and a repeated beginning and end, I plan to portray time as circular and elusive instead of linear and stable.
Aid Needed:
-Field footage: Belinda on Camera for shots of me
-In Studio: 1 Camera Operator, VTR operator, Technical Director, Lighting Assistant
-Approximately two hours of studio time
-Approximately ten hours in the 2D Animation Lab
-Canon Vixia (about four days)
-Lighting equipment through APS
Creative Sources:
-Salazar Films http://salazarfilm.com/
-Wooster Collective http://www.woostercollective.com/
-Michel Gondry http://www.michelgondry.com/
-Video Art: An Anthology compiled and edited by Ira Schneider and Beryl Korot
-By Brakhage: An Anthology
Week Five: Create cut-outs, scout locations, collect childhood footage, collect props, collect/record audio, shoot B-roll
Week Six: Shoot animation, in-studio chroma key, and field locations
Week Seven: Edit footage and audio
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