Space 4 Rent is a television series created by the students at the Evergreen State College in the program Ready Camera 1. Beginning June 9th, tune in every Wednesday at 8pm and Friday at 6:30pm to TCTV Channel 22.
In the distant future, year 2020, the global economy has become super inflated and living on earth is a luxury only the wealthiest of humans are able to obtain. Zevron Jones was on the path to success until the invention of the Rosetta Stone made his degree of Xenolinguistics, the study of alien languages, absolutely obsolete. With no way of repaying his massive student debt and loan sharks hot on his tail, Zev has to flee to the outer orbit of Neptune and move in with his childhood friend, Oxilita Smith, and discover what life is like living in a rundown pod cluster with Aliens, religious fanatics and clones as neighbors. Tune in to see the wacky mayhem ensue!
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