Points and due dates:

Due before class on May 26:
        -A 1-2 page preparation page for seminar, including points and page numbers in Kurzweil.  See ToDo:  (10 points)

Due before noon on May 23:
          -Email with link to your Mastermind code.  See To Do list for details.  (30 points)

Due before class, May 19:
          -Review questions, #1-13, Chapter 10 Reed,  pages 349-50 (10 points)

Due before class, May 17:  
         -Review questions,  even problems from Reed, Chapter 10 (10 points)

Due before class, May 12:  
        -Tic Tac Toe program (20 points)  See To Do list for details
       -Prepare a paper copy of notes for your Seminar:  Chapters 6-8

Due before class, May 10:  
      – Review questions,  Chapter 14,  2-18 evens (10 points)
      -Review questions, Chapter 16,  2-22 evens  (10 points) 
          Turn in both assignments together on the same pages

Due before class,  May 5:
     -a paper copy of your code for Arrays, found on the To Do list:   10 points
     -a paper copy of your code for an exhaustive search, on the To Do list:  10 points

Due before class on April 28:
         1.  Make sure, as always, you do all the ToDo items before April 28
         2.  Prepare your notes on paper: questions, and comments for Seminar:  Denton, Dembski, and Ray

Due before class on April 26:
        1.  The answers to Reed Review question, Ch 8,  #1-10, 12-22 even on paper (10 pts)
        2.  An entry and 2 replies to the Kurzweil Ch 3-5 Forum, Before 3pm April 26 (10 pts)
        3.  A paper copy of your Craps Program listing  (10 pts)

Due before class on April 21:
        1.  A paper copy of your simple Craps Program listing on paper

Due before class on April 19:
        1.  A paper copy of the listing for your Number Guess Program  (10 pts)
        2.  A paper copy of your English directions to play Craps  (10 pts)

Due before class on April 14:
        1.  Finish the Movie Ticket Price program.  Turn in a paper copy of your listing.  (10 pts)
        2.  Make an entry into the Kurzweil Ch 2 Forum, along with 2 replies before 3pm Thursday (10 pts)

Due before class on April 12:
         1.  Reed, Chapter 3 p 58, 1-23  Review Questions  10 pts
         2.  email by 3pm to me with the link to your personal webpage 10 pts
         3.  A paper copy of a working listing of your Change program  10 pts
                   on the paper, using pen, tell me how it works- problems, fixes, issues

Due before class on April 7:
        1.  Reed, Chapter 6 p 116  #1-22 answers on paper (10 points)
        2.  Reply to 2 Kurzweil Ch1 Forum entries before 3pm on Thursday       

Due before class on April 5:
       1.  Your completed Form Letter listing on paper, and 2 example runs on paper (10 pts)
       2.  A complete entry into the ‘what I currently believe forum, with replies to other entries (10 pts)
       3.  An entry into the Kurzweil Ch1 forum, with replies to other entries (10 pts) 

Due before class March 31
       1.  email me at compncog11@hotmail.com, using the email you want to use for the class.  Fill me in on special requests or needs you have for this program.  (10 points, due 3/31 before class)
       2.  Turn in the chapter 1 Review questions, found on pages 17 and 18 of your Reed textbook.  Complete all 22 questions.  You do not need to copy the question, just answer the question after carefully reading and reviewing the text reading.  You will turn in a paper copy of your answers.  (10 points, due 3/31 before class)
        3. Make an entry to the Forum titled About Me.  Give all your contact information you want to use for this class.  Give the days of the week, times and location where you plan to study for this course.   Tell the class about yourself, including your computer background, interests, and talents.    Use this forum to both learn about other students in the class and also to form study groups by replying to folks in this Forum.  (10 points, due 3/31)