Internet: Knowledge and Community

at The Evergreen State College

How can the internet be positive and negative for a community?

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The internet can be positive in the sense that important information can be reached throughout community and beyond that, but it can also be negative because of the decline in face to face interaction through communicating over the internet. What other factors can the internet help or destroy a community?


  • Helps create a virtual Third Place
  • Increased speed of communication
  • Uncensored
  • Accessible


  • Reinforces the opinions people already have
  • Uncensored
  • Takes away real life value of communication


Perhaps the Internet is of value in helping to create a virtual Third Place.

Another negative aspect of the internet regarding communities are the repercussions of people generally using the internet to connect with like minded people. As Graham writes, "there is a built-in tendency for the Internet to favour those whose disposition is not to wander into realms which challenge or conflict with their interests and opinions, but who like their existing interests to be satisfied and their current opinions to be confirmed." Going from the internet, a place where you can always find someone you agrees with you, to your physical community can be very jarring. Why would anyone want to talk to someone in their physical community who they won't necessarily get along with because they have different opinions? I think the internet can foster this kind of intolerance that destroys communities.

I think the fact that the internet is so free could be a negative effect as well as a positive effect because communities can be attacked or vandalized or intruded by another community or an individual. Another obvious negative fact is that the internet takes away the real life value of communication. However it has improved, from text to voice, voice to visual. I believe the internet should be used to encourage communication beyond the physical but still have real life interaction.

My main focus will be on the positive changes the internet can benefit their community. It is clear to see that the speed of communication has increased to incredible speed. During the 1800's it could take weeks, even months to send correspondence to the Western frontier. Today, messages, information, etc. can be sent instantly. With the increased speed, we as a population have been able to spread as far out as possible. It's clear that the internet is an important tool to those that do not live in urban environments.

Also the accessibly of the internet has changed to over the years. When I was an early teen I could only use the internet in a public library. Now anyone at any age has access to the internet and its endless tools.

It would be easy to explore more on the positive impacts the internet has with communities. With the instant speed of information anyone at anytime can virtually access the internet anywhere.