Internet: Knowledge and Community

at The Evergreen State College

Hoyle Hodges

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  • This is my second quarter at Evergreen.
  • Currently I'm the western US and Pacific Rim Regional Manager for DHS Systems. A mid sized defense company that builds mobile comand posts
  • Prior to that I was the Command Sergeant Major of the 2 Battalion, 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment.
  • I'm a wooden sailboat restorer and currently the owner / caretaker of the Gaff Rigged Ketch S/V Jon Cote named after my driver; who was captured, held hostage, and beheaded by insurgents. I named the boat after him to help keep his memory alive.
  • The stuff in the box is raw opium formed into "Buttons"

"Big Boy Rules" book about Jon Cote[1]

My Space page for Jon Cote [2]

History of the 505th PIR[3]

Tahiti Ketch User Group [4]

Image:Summer 2010.JPG



Intial Question

Can User Generated Content provide valuable real time or near real time data to a community

Response Papers

Practicing Practices

For The Greater Part True

Something I Can Believe In

The Leveler

Middle Democracy

Build It And They Will Come

What Now

What Happens Next?

Real Deliberative Tools

The Family as a Form of Association

Responses To Intial Questions

Does the internet add value to existing and/or emerging communities with regard to the quality of relationships between members

In the very near future, will internet-access become recognized as a basic human right?

Does it qualify as a sort of "Third Place", and if so, in what ways might social networking on the Internet be similar/different to Oldenburg's notion of a Third Place in real life?

Fall Quarter Postion Paper

Fall Position Paper

Fall Response Papers

E-Literacy vs. The Bibliophiles

History Shows Us The Way

The Old and the New

Knowledge Justification

Timeless Time

What's Next