Michael O'Neill
From Internet: Knowledge and Community
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Related Material:
Here's a paper I wrote in Stephen's Critical Reasoning class: "The Role of Citizen Led Deliberation in Legitimizing Democracy"
~It still needs a revision by next tuesday :)
- how the generation being born and growing up with today's technology will interface with the world differently than we do
- the internet as a resource for community organizing and development
- if location based communities can utilize the internet for organizing and interacting as readily as net based communities
- Anonymity and the Internet
Preferred wiki work:
- adding and developing structure to the site
- gathering and organizing data
About: Michael was recently fortunate enough to be fired from his dead end job in the home oxygen business. Now he is back in school to complete a Bachelor's degree at The Evergreen State College. During the day, Michael is a stay at home dad for an energetic two year old son.
Michael considers himself to be a part of the following communities:
Evergreen Student Body, family, St. Stephen's Episcopal Church, local chamber music society, others...