READINGS: Below are the readings for Wednesday. 
Wittgenstein - is the PDF attached in your email.  DO NOT read the whole thing (i.e., for class).  Read pages 16-30, “Private Language…”.  This chapter, by the way, is taken from Wittgenstein’s “Blue Book,” which was one of the only works he published in his lifetime.  It is “middle” Wittgenstein, written between his early period and his later period, and he rejected a lot of his own early ideas in his later work.  In this piece he is beginning to argue with himself, fyi.  The central question is: “does it make sense to say we have private experiences, and if so, can we have a ‘private’ language?”
(just in case there is confusion on the link – for class, listen to #10 on the list, and feel free to listen to others if you feel like it!)
(read the epigraph, then click “enter” and for class, read only the first 3 pages of Soliloquy, and if you feel like it, read more).  To read the work in a non-hyper text format, go to the following link, scroll down until you see ”Soliloquy” under “Writings…” and download the PDF.  In fact, for those of you new to Goldsmith’s work, I’d suggest you do this first/instead:
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