Readings in Procedure, Constraint, Ritual


This Wednesday (the 18th) we’ll continue our discussion on constraint, procedure, and ritual as they relate to writing.  Because a few of you were not able to get the readings, due to blog problems, last week, I’m asking those of you who did get the readings to re-read last week’s work (below) and for those of you who could not access last week-s work to do so today or tomorrow.  Please note that I’ve added one short further reading (John Cage).   FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO GET READINGS FROM THIS BLOG: THERE IS A PDF FILE THAT YOU NEED–EMAIL ME FOR THAT PDF IF YOU DO NOT HAVE IT, AS I CANNOT POST IT HERE (IE, FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO DID NOT GET THE PDF IN ANY EMAIL YET, EMAIL ME AND I’LL SEND IT TO YOU!). 

I’ll be lecturing on this work for the 2nd half of class.  For the first half we’ll do a post-fire ritual debrief and pass around your ashen poetic remainders.  See you in tomorrow! - only need to read manifesto; if you have a chance, browse their chapbooks (links on left) - Cage on Anarchic Harmony (v. short set of quotes)
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