Collaborative Poem

Inauguration Balls

The ball is flat

The ball is a mercedes on the autobon

The Ball is a waltz

The ball is round

The ball is green and icky

The ball is meticulous

The ball is a figment of my imagination

The ball is in my mouth

The ball is impossible

The ball is a dreadful, horrible sound that was peeled like an orange

The ball is a coffee table

The ball is merely a prelude to chainsaws and kittens\

The ball is a special desert

The ball is a Three’s Compay re-run

The ball is considering a career in fish husbandry

The ball is exhuasted

The ball just wants to find its way home

The ball is chocolate covered postal worker

The ball is purple and full of wonderment

The ball is about to explode everybody run

The ball is on us

The Ball is a purposeful tool for demonizing brown beans in captivity

The ball is a cornerless place

The ball is an ectoplastic force which climbed from the primordial ooze from which we all sprang

The ball is at home in the scrotum of Tom Brokaw

The ball is the result of unprotected sex between Mary Shelly and

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