Week 10 – Readings, Performances, & In Form (-ation)

Hi All,

First, here are the readings we’ll be working with today, in addition to the Edward Said article I handed out in class.  These are a bit late, but read them asap. We’ll be discussing the other side of the private/public movement of writing, not focusing as much on economy, but otherness, silence, protest in the form of form and formlessness.  How does translation – now literally, translation of works from one language to another – relate to notions of literature-as-other, or literature as “monstrous” (Derrida) and/or unnameable, not yet categorizable, etc.  & importantly, in what sense does this movement of thinking and writing mirror and complicate displacement, globalization, refugee-ism, as described and analyzed by Said here?  Go and read! And only after that, read below these links for info on this week, both in class and slightly outside it…  Best, David

Paul Celan – Death Fugue,  http://www.artofeurope.com/celan/cel8.htm

Edomnd Jabes – Book of Questions, Read up to Page 20 (this is actually very small – maybe 5 whole pages, as most pages are a line or two)


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