Dear All,

First, I wanted to thank you (as does Rob, who will email when he gets back to SF) for your really excellent work on Weds.  The workshop was rich, and so were your questions and thoughts during the reading.  Rob was quite blown away by all of you.  As am I, quite often.  For those of you who want to interact with or join NONSITE Collective, email me.  You can either join the collective or get onto the mailing list and be more peripherally involved.  Up to you.

Here, fyi, is the Mazen Kerbaj excerpt we listened to:

There are only 4 more Disaster Suite books; if any of you are interested in buying via donation, let me know.  First come first serve of sliding scale $5-15.

Tomorrow (SAT): will be an intensive day of working in groups, working on performative events.  I’ll be meeting with groups during class time, as needed, starting with the first group, then the second, and so forth, until we get through all.

So, bring your necessary materials.  If it’s a nice day, we can spread out a bit and only do the individual meetings/check-ins/brainstorms inside, like last time.

THIS IS YOUR LAST FULL SATURDAY prior to performative event sharing.  Wednesday the first groups will go, and starting Wednesday, up till the following (eval week) Wednesday, in place of eval conferencing, we’ll try to make ourselves available for presentations.  But again, the NEXT TWO WEDNESDAYS DURING CLASS TIMES, will be our default presentation/reading/sharing days.  The first Weds will be in the classroom.  The second, I think, at my house for an end of quarter post-reading get together.

Please decide which day you’d like to present/read etc (keeping in mind the 2nd Weds is technically eval week), and one of you from each group email me that info.

Finally, Saturday is PRESS: PRODUCTION, the PRESS Literary week of performances, events, etc., culminating in mostly student and local work.  Please join us.  And if you have work you’d like to present, i.e., use this venue for your performative event, email me.  Here is the where/what/when:

Okay.  See you all tomorrow.


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