Charles Bernstein, Tomorrow

Dear All,


If you can, please try to attend the Charles Bernstein reading tomorrow.  It’s not required, of course, but it is a really wonderful opportunity to hear one of the founding members of New York LANGUAGE poetry read & discuss. Bernstein has done as much as anyone to affect the way contemporary avant-garde text artists write. In case you can attend, here is the info:

Poet Charles Bernstein reads at Evergreen…

Tuesday, January 5th, noon, in Library 2205

Sponsored by Logopoesis and Performing Meaning

Born in 1950 in New York City, Charles Bernstein is the author of over forty books of poetry and poetics, and is a key figure in the Language Poetry movement started in the 1970′s.   The Donald T. Regan Professor of English at the University of Pennsylvania, Bernstein is famous for his brilliant avant garde work in diverse sites-in texts, in the university, on the internet, and on the streets. 

 Forthcoming in spring in 2010 is All the Whiskey in Heaven:  Selected Poems (Farrar, Straus and Giroux).  Other titles include Girly Man (University of Chicago Press, 2006); My Way:  Speeches and Poems  (University of Chicago Press, 1999); Content’s Dream (Sun & Moon, 1986); Islets / Irritations (Jordan Davies, 1983).  Bernstein is an elected Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and has received numerous awards, including a Guggenheim and a NEA.


Among Bernstein’s many poetry projects are his co-founding of the Poetics (Ph.D.) Program  and the Electronic Poetry Center at SUNY, Buffalo;  his co-editorship of the Modern and Contemporary Poetics series at the University of Alabama Press; his hosting of multiple LINEbreak and Close Listening poetry interviews; and his development of the internet audio poetry archive, PENNSound.

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