For Saturday Writing Workshop/Seminar (Week 2)

Dear All,

Please bring ALL writings you’ve done for this course so far, and bring the review (pasted below and also on the blog) that we have yet to discuss, and bring the other readings if you printed them out (if not, do so eventually–for your files).  Specifically, you should have written:

1) two WRITTEN descriptions of two experiences you’ve had in courses/programs/other learning moments you’ve had in the past, one that describes the best/most “productive” or “valuable” (to you) pedagogical moment, and one that describes the least valuable (one that did not work).  These are DESCRIPTIONS of experiences, and I’m asking you for as much detail as possible, sticking to the actual model/mechanics of learning/teaching in these moments.  I’m not asking for your evaluation of a whole class or program, or that it was bad or good, but WHY something worked, and HOW it did, and conversely.  

2) your “completed” poems – finishing a poem that another started (you exchanged these poems on Weds)

3) your Schoneberg writings (beg. of class Weds) 

4) your Stein writings: a) predicating stein (making full sentences from the lines we chose) 

I’d also like you to come prepared and on time, and to really start thinking about how you would teach/set up an “alternative learning environment” based on your ideals, your experiences inside and outside of formal educational systems, and how or whether such ideal environments are possible from the standpoint of logistics, built-in institutional constraints, time, etc.

Please also re-read things as much as you can, especially the review below and the Oppen–two things we barely got to on Weds.  And anything else that you feel needs re-reading for whatever reason.

See you tomorrow!




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