Performance Tomorrow

Hi All,

We’ll be working with these folks as much as possible this quarter, so please feel free to join us for their first (and last for several more weeks) performance here at Evergreen this spring.  Arun Chandra’s Program helped bring The School for Designing a Society here, and Susan Parenti, one of the co-founders of the group, we’ll read in our program later on:

The Truth About Injustice Always Sounds Outrageous

Wednesday, March 31, 2010 at 7:30pm
Recital Hall, Comm building

Sounds outrageous; outrageous sounds: The School for Designing a
Society, currently in its nine-headed performance-ensemble phase,
comes from Urbana, Illinois, with a new program of argumentative music
& acoustic theater. What can a round, a quodlibet, a hullabaloo offer
to a national conversation that it doesn’t already know?

Works by Gaburo, Parenti, Barton, Heathwaite, Simpson, Gaiuranos,
Enslin, and others.

This is the public presentation of the visiting Evans Scholars for 
Spring 2010.

Arun Chandra
COM 301
The Evergreen State College
Olympia, WA 98502
office: (360) 867-6077

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