Weekend Events: Latin American Solidarity Conference &…

Announcements from your program colleagues: 

Next Tuesday 5-8 The Dance Matrix Collective hosts “human jazz” with Christian Swensen:

in the CRC 116- FREE here is his website for samples:http://www.humanjazz.com/. It will be a fully participatory workshop. “Bodies- on” experience, probably dress accordingly? heres also what he says about this creation :

“Ideally, I try to let the body and voice together discover the dansing. Each helping the other articulate my enthusiasm. The sensation is then a mixture of wonder and empathy in seeing oneself birthing an ever-changing landscape; a landscape of the Other, other peoples, species, and elements. In the safety of delight, I create worlds again and again with pulse, tonal and movement qualities akin to dancing, singing and acting for this is where we play and pretend. As a tribe of one I open this window for us to taste the ageless winds. “
Christian Swenson, Creator of Human Jazz, the unique music/dance/drama form.


At the ‘Ethnic Cultural Theatre’ in Seattle from 2-4pm on Wednesday, April 14th. Tickets are FREE and all should come!


From West Coast to West Bank, building bridges between the Occupied and the Undocumented, this event will feature Def Jam Poetry artist MARK GONZALES & Palestinian poet REMI KANAZI


To register, volunteer or see what all the different workshops, speakers and
hoopla is about, check out:

3-5 p.m. Film: “Communa Under Construction.”
In more than 30,000 Consejos Comunales, the Venezuelan inhabitants decide on
their concerns collectively via assemblies. The film examines the
difficulties of Consejos Comunales and how participation is a learning
process, while examining the progress and setbacks that mark the difficult
process of people taking the power of deciding key elements of their lives
and environment by themselves.
5-7 p.m. Meet and Greet:
As people arrive, we will make arrangements for overnight guests and address
any requests of (directions, etc.) out-of-town people. People will meet,
mingle and set up our main room for the entire conference. There will also
be opportunities to get acquainted in the conference area and set up tables
for group-specific material. Bring decorations for the walls or hang posters
to make this space ours for the next two days.

7-8:30 p.m. Keynote Speaker: Jesse Freeston
The Real News Network, real journalism that matters, covering the coup in
Freeston is a video-journalist with The Real News Network. He is originally
from Ontario, Canada, but spent most of the last two years reporting from El
Salvador, Honduras, and the U.S. His work has covered a variety of topics
including the military-industrial complex, economics & labor issues, Central
American social movements and resource rights.
This presentation is about Freeston’s essential video journalism covering
the coup in Honduras, specifically the post-coup elections where he
uncovered overwhelming evidence of fraud while the majority of US newspapers
repeated the official story.

8:30-9 a.m. Coffee and Pastries.

9-10:30 a.m. Kickoff Plenary and Introductions
Organization and individual introductions with expectations for the
Facilitator: Megan Hise from Portland Central American Solidarity Committee

10:40-12 p.m. Workshop Session 1
. Marxism 101
Carlos Martinez
As coordinator for the Center for Political Education, Martinez helps
present workshops called Marxism 101 — a curriculum utilized for many years
to support grassroots activists in their struggles and learning about
Marxist theory can help us understand the issues we deal with.

. NW Student Coalition Building and Latin American Solidarity
Rio Collier, Adam Carpinelli, Tyler Bristow, Will Munger
The Northwest Student Coalition is a horizontally structured, student-led
network and interactive forum that aims to bridge intercollegiate
communication of student groups working for social and environmental
justice. The NWSC hopes to foster a more engaged, sustainable student
community that is better equipped to address wider scope campaigns,
coordinate work on environmental and social issues and stay informed about
regional campus updates. Through this network, students and like-minded
faculty can strategize and share resources. NWSC is not aligned to any
specific political party or political ideology and is committed to positive
social change based on justice, democracy and dignity.

. ALBA “South America’s Idea of Fair Trade”
Chris Beach-Rehner
ALBA (Bolivarian Alliance for the Americas) is a new trade agreement
focusing on the needs of local communities and countries rather than the
flow of capital. Incorporating local non-profit social activist groups,
Venezuela-led ALBA, is in the process of creating a trade agreement
juxtaposed against NAFTA and CAFTA. Learn the success of ALBA in its short
time and the challenges that we face ahead for us as a global community to
be successful in fair trade.

. The Modern NGO, Pacifism, and Solidarity
Jesse Freeston
Based around an interview with the head of Oxfam’s mining program
coordinator for Central America, the workshop is juxtaposed against a video
from the community he is talking about. The presentation is made up of a
series of video clips, a fully edited video piece, interspliced with
Freeston’s thoughts and plenty of opportunity for participant interaction.

12-1 p.m. Potluck Lunch Break and Film Showing.
“Until the Last Drop: Tales From the Battle for El Salvador’s Water”
Jason Wallach
Will transnational water companies swallow El Salvador’s water supply? In
his film about water in El Salvador, filmmaker Jason Wallach asks if water
is a human right or a commodity. Watch the film during lunch and Wallach
will answer questions.

1-2:20 p.m. Workshop Session 2
. Neoliberal globalization and it’s effects on Suriname, El Salvador and
Adam Carpinelli, Natalie Hammerquist, and Ken Hoyt
Adam Carpinelli will discuss field interviews he conducted among the
Saramaka people of Suriname in August 2006 regarding their land rights case
against neoliberal globalization brought before the Organization of American
States. Hammerquist will speak about the history of neoliberal globalization
in Mexico and NAFTA. Hoyt, an organic intellectual, will discuss the history
of El Salvador and its struggle against neoliberalism.

. Combining allies against imperialism: Latin America and the anti-war
movement combat US militarism
Rio Collier, Mark Vorpahl and Nita Palmer
During a trip to Venezuela last fall, a Northwest delegation learned about
U.S. militarism and aggression against Venezuela. The delegation discovered
a unique response to US military base development in Colombia by Venezuela
building Peace Bases of their own. In this new era of war and occupation,
imperialist countries (with the US at the forefront) are planning not only
in the Middle East and further into Africa, but are extending this war drive
into Latin America. The drastic increase of US military bases in Colombia,
the US-planned coup in Honduras, constant provocation both internally and
externally of Latin American countries such as Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador
and beyond urges the anti-war movement to take up a serious expansion of an
anti-war, anti-occupation campaigns to include Latin America.

. International Accompaniment of Human Rights Defenders
Philip Neff, Network in Solidarity with the People of Guatemala (NISGUA)
Accompaniment deploys trained international observers alongside
organizations and individuals whose work in defense of human rights puts
them at risk of threats, violence, and other human rights violations.
Through monitoring of the human rights context and connections with
international civil society, international accompaniers can provide a
measure of security and support for local human rights defenders who request
their presence. This presentation discusses the principles, practice, and
challenges of accompaniment based on the experience of the Guatemala
Accompaniment Project, which works alongside indigenous and Guatemalan-led
organizations struggling to achieve justice for genocide and resist harmful
development “mega-projects”.

. How to make a documentary video for your solidarity campaign.
Jason Wallach
Veteran solidarity activist and documentary video producer Jason Wallach
will work with workshop participants to craft a big picture view of
video-making in the context of Latin America solidarity activism. The
workshop will be akin to a graduate seminar. Participants will watch work
samples and discuss technical, thematic and stylistic decisions made by the
director. Special attention will focus on how to tailor a video to a
specific campaign or objectives related to solidarity work.

2:30-3:50 p.m. Workshop Session 3
. Venezuela’s Socialism for a 21st Century and the call for a 5th
Peter Bohmer and Mark Vorpahl
What is Socialism for a 21st Century? Isn’t Chavez a dictator? Evergreen
State professor Bohmer addresses this and more followed by Vorpahl of
Workers Compass who will discuss the call for a 5th Socialist International.
The first International was called by Marx, the 5th has been called by
Chavez. What will be the significance of a new socialist international?

. “Free All Political Prisoners NOW!” The Cuban 5 and all US political
Tamara Hansen and Adam Carpinelli
Vancouver(BC)-based organizer Hansen will discuss the case of the Cuban Five
and importance of this campaign within the current situation of political
prisoners in the United States and Vancouver(WA)-based organizer Carpinelli
will discuss the importance of political prisoner support networks and
solidarity in context of work with The Jericho Movement.

. The Independence and Labor movements in Puerto Rico and the recent general
Larry Hildes and Karen Weill
A Bellingham-based legal team will present on current issues facing the
independence and labor movements in Puerto Rico along with the recent
general strikes. The pair recently returned from a solidarity conference and
retreat in Puerto Rico.

. Face the Displaced: Days of Action for Colombia
Colette Cosner, Witnesses For Peace
A Witness For Peace Regional Organizer, Cosner will give a report back from
her recent delegation to Colombia focusing on trade and militarization. The
presentation will examine U.S. foreign policy and Colombia’s internal
displacement crisis. With nearly five million Colombians forcibly displaced
from their homes by a debilitating war, Colombia is now the second worst
internal displacement crisis in the world. Tens of thousands across the US
and Colombia will participate in this year’s National Days of Action for
Colombia to call for a much-needed shift in US policies toward the war-torn
country. Hundreds of universities, faith communities, and organizations will
assemble thousands of printed faces of Colombia’s displaced people to be
later displayed in poignant, eye-catching displays. Workshop participants
will assemble these displays and organize a exhibition space for them during
the conference.

3:50-4:15 p.m. Coffee Break.

4:15-5:45 p.m. Keynote Speaker: Carlos Martinez
“Venezuela Speaks! Voices from the Grassroots.”
“Venezuela Speaks! Voices from the Grassroots,” is coauthored by Carlos
Martinez who will speak about grassroots organizing in Venezuela. Martinez
recently served in Venezuela as the program director for Global Exchange
where he coordinated dozens of delegations to Venezuela. Martinez’s articles
have been published in Common Dreams, Monthly Review Zine and on
Martinez lived in Venezuela for two years and now resides in San Francisco,
CA. Currently, he works for the Center for Political Education, where he
organizes Latin America Solidarity events in the Bay Area. Find out more:

6 p.m.-2 a.m. The 1st Annual Quinceañero Dance
Dinner starts at 6 p.m. with vegan options! Dancing starts at 8 followed by
a live hip-hop at 9:30! Guest appearances by Asliani, MC ZEM ZEM, and The
Hungry MC’s! There willl be a dance-off contest right before DJs. Drag or
formal attire encouraged. $7 to get in or $10 including dinner. Bring a date
and pay $15 which includes dinner.
Sponsored by C.R.O.W. (Chican@s Resisting Oppression and War)
Eagles Hall (805 4th Ave. E, downtown Olympia, off Plum Street)

8:30-9 a.m. Coffee and Pastries.

9-10:30 a.m.Workshop Session 4
. “Shut It Down Now!” The NW Detention Center, Bridges Not Walls and migrant
farm workers.
Ariana, Jenny Lee and Josh Elliott
The NW Detention Center is an immigrant detention facility privately run for
profit by the GEO Corporation in Tacoma. For many years, activists have
provided support for detainees and their families at the detention center
that includes legal aid, moral support and material aid. There are also
large protest marches against the detention center with calls for more to
come. Lee of YaYa will also talk about migrant farmers who often find
themselves in the Detention Center with their families far apart.

. Material aid caravans: Pastors For Peace and the Honduran military coup
Rick Fellows, Brendan Funtek and Bruce Wilkinson
Fellows has been a mechanic for the Pastors For Peace Cuba Caravan since its
inception. He will discuss his experience in over 60 caravans to Cuba or
Central America along with Funtek, a member of LASO and went on the 2006
caravan. The next Cuba caravan begins July 3 from North America and this
workshop will give information on how to get involved along with other
solidarity travel options to Cuba. Wilkinson will talk about the military
coup in Honduras last year and the current struggle of a social movement
that is facing serious repression with great strength and determination. At
the end of the presentation, we will work with workshop participants on
coming up with a campaign to provide material support for Honduras.

. Pacific Rim Mining in El Salvador
Pacific Rim is suing El Salvador for $77 million due to a loss of potential
profits from a mining operation that the people refused to give permits for.
This Vancouver BC-based company is suing through CAFTA courts via a
Nevada-based subsidiary. The first lawsuit of its kind and CISPES will speak
about their campaign to stop them.

10:40-11:30 a.m. Strategy Sessions.
Strategy sessions will be determined during Saturday with people
volunteering breakout topics and others signing up for them throughout the
day. Participants will meet in E1107 and then break out into small work
groups, coming back together to post their results on the walls.

11:40 a.m.-1 p.m. Solidarity and campaign-building strategies, future plans.
During this time, we will discuss the results of the strategy sessions and
come up with next steps for making this conference the beginning of a
continued and improved solidarity network effort in the Northwest. We will
discuss specific campaigns, develop a calendar attentive to what
organizations have already planned, create new ways to communicate, share
and develop long lasting alliances.

1-2 p.m. Potluck Lunch Break.

2-4 p.m. Keynote Speaker: Father Roy Bourgeois
A Struggle For Justice In Latin America
SPEAKER BIOGRAPHY: In 1980 Fr. Roy, Maryknoll priest, became involved in
issues surrounding US policy in El Salvador after four US churchwomen – two
of them his friends – were raped and killed by Salvadoran soldiers. After
that experience, Roy became an outspoken critic of US foreign policy in
Latin America. Since then, he has spent over four years in US federal
prisons for nonviolent protests against the training of Latin American
soldiers at Ft. Benning, Georgia.

In 1990, Roy founded the School of Americas Watch, an organization that does
research on the US Army School of the Americas (SOA), now renamed the
Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation or WHINSEC, at Fort
Benning, Georgia. Each year the school trains hundreds of soldiers from
Latin America in combat skills ? all paid for by U.S. taxpayers.

The School of the Americas Watch, located just outside the main entrance of
Fort Benning and in Washington, DC, informs the general public, Congress and
the media about the implications of this training on the people of Latin
America. For the last 10 years there has been a peaceful protest with over
24,000 in attendance.
Lecture Hall 1

4 p.m. Reception For Father Roy Bourgeois
The Evergreen State College Longhouse

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