Performative Writing Groups Take Two & A Note About Thursday

Please Note: 

I have revised the groups after tonight’s (Tues., week 5) lecture. Kaleigh has been put in 2 groups for right now, and will end up in one of the 2 groups as of Thursday, beginning of class.  Ally has been moved to Lisa and Carson’s group so that, in case Kaleigh winds up in another group, Lisa and Carson have a 3rd person to work with.  Tommy has joined Adam and Phil’s group.  Emily has joined Isaac, Alex, and Croft’s group.  And Tamera has joined Zachary and Zach’s group. 

We should be all set now.  Please email me if there is an absolutely problematic situation, which would be because either a) there is a real, personal conflict that cannot be overcome, or b) someone has a very specific collaboration already going and this grouping does not reflect it. Other than that, please try to work with the people in your existing group, work to “seriously play/play seriously” with and for one-another.

Thanks for your patience as this formation takes final shape by Thursday, beginning of class.

FYI, Thursday class will include 3 parts:

1) A final word (for now) about Ranciere and Site-specific political poetics: Nonsite Collective’s work and Robert Kocik’s project of turning nonsites (for example, poetry that re-narrates and maps “occulted disasters”) back into actual, physical sites (habitats that are hopefully beneficial, that address the fundamental problems and inequalities that the nonsite, as abstraction and set of metaphors, exposes).

2) Working for first time in groups to talk out and brainstorm on collaborative performative projects. I’ll have various prompts for you that will help you move towards developing a proposal.

3) A note at end of class (brief discussion) outlining the fire ritual that will take place, in 3 parts, from Thursday to Sat bonfire to post-bonfire. 



Group No. (replace with name and/or title?) Name Name Name Name Name    
Carson Ball      
Lingua II Group Bontempo, Megan E. Sophie Gordon David Hoekje Willie Smart  Kaleigh Barks  Lisa Isley  
2 Castanon, Zachary L. Zachary Fraser  Tamera Anderson        
3 Clifton-Steele, Paige C. Gabe Riggs Nicky Tiso Eric Moen      
4 Geislinger, Rebecca A. Anacelia Hill Kyle Ludowitz Jane Rubenstein  

(as contract)

5 Lindquist, Kaitlin J. Joseph Smith Franny Waldear        
6 Pearson, Evan W. Shawn Gardner Caitlin Meyer        
7 St John, Adam J. Phillip Taylor Tommy Purtle  Ally Simmons (as contract)    
8 Twito, Isaac T. Alex Dreyer Nicholas Croft   Emily Goode    
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