Experiments In Text: Welcome Coming Soon

Below are entries for Spring 2010, “Poets Theater, Guerilla Poetry, & The Politics of Language.” Students in that course (some of you will be in this one too!) created a fine, indeed fascinating, poetry & poetics journal for that program. And indeed it is still being curated by students from the program, with work still being published fairly regularly.  Check it out   HERE

I also have a public blog that you might like to visit. We will use it as a supplement to this, our official course blog. By “supplement” I mean as suggestion–not required. For events, goings on, ephemera. That blog is  HERE

That program “Poets Theater…” is now finished, although we will end up using some of the materials (links especially) here for Experiments in Text, Fall 2010. This blog has been in use by students enrolled in my classes since late 2007.

A welcome to your new course will appear on this blog soon. At that time, if you are enrolled or on the waitlist for this class, you’ll also receive a welcome email. For now, hello!

Please continue to feel free to use the entries below for reference: we’ve now amassed a good storehouse of public domain poetry, text arts, poetics, and political economy links. Enjoy.

Now that I am back online (after being in New York and offline for the last 2 months) please feel free to email me with any questions or concerns related to the course. wolachd@evergreen.edu

David Wolach

In Solidarity,

The Evergreen State College, September 2010


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