Info for Students

Nice to meet all of you today. There are a few slots for class left, so for those of you who arrived today and didn’t bring your add/drop form, bring it Saturday and I’ll sign you into the course. And for those of you who didn’t make it today, that’s OK. Today we did logistics, so you’re still welcome to come Saturday with an add/drop form and be in the course. I’ll override you in if we are full, up to a couple slots. If you have a friend who is still looking for a course, for example, bring them with you. I did some research tonight and we have until end of NEXT week (not this week) to add/drop without getting slapped with a fee. Thus the info here.

Meanwhile, for anyone interested, here are some additional resources in relation to the readings for this week:

Interesting (infamous?) Foucault / Chomsky debate, video here:

Joan Retallack on Writing & Pedagogy – very interesting! (“the geometry of the attention”) audio here  AND 

Retallack riffing on her deeply influential book, The Poethical Wager by Reading This Essay on John Cage and Poethics (Poetry-Ethics) Here

Finally, the Wiki article on Paulo Freire is not bad. Not great, but not bad.

All optional stuff that may be of interest to you, especially the Retallack–who, besides blurbing my new book, much more than that, has been very much my teaching mentor…the audio comes from a conference at Bard College on the pedagogical work Joan really spearheaded there.

Required readings are below–Foucault, Freire, Retallack, & The Surveillance Players.

See you Saturday,


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