Info for Weds, Week 4

Dear All,

First, thank you all for being so patient during this sad time for Elizabeth and I. Thank you for working with Steven on Wednesday, for making Rachel’s visit really generative on Saturday, and for getting your work to me despite the setback in schedule. I know this week has been inconvenient for you, and yet all of you sent your work with well wishes. So, thank you. And also thanks goes to Steven, and to Gianna and Megan for handling the Sat. curating.  Rachel tells me you all were really engaging.

This week, since I’ve understandably fallen behind, the readings will be the same as last week. NO NEW READINGS. Instead, take some time catching up, if you need to, on a) last week’s readings, and b) your assigned writings–derive, response to ideal pedagogical model and its relation(s) to text arts, revisitation of your architecture creative writing, asking you to “intervene” in the space you previously examined (i.e., change the way we think of/interact with that space).

I’ll lecture on the readings you, in small groups, worked on last Weds. This will be the first of 2 lectures dedicated to poetics, politics, and “reclamation” (of institutional and other spaces). Here we’ll focus, as I wrote below, on pedagogical institutions/spaces, then next week we’ll look at what I call “poetics of spatial practice” in relation to other specific sites, spaces, and institutions. First things first, however. So, lecture “themes” are set back by a week, which I think is OK even if not ideal. 

Last, begin thinking about who you would like to work with in groups of 3-4 for your fixed “insurrection” groups. Think about who you don’t want to work with for that matter. If you have no preferences, that’s OK too. I’ll just want your input one way or the other in order for us to form groups by the end of the week/beginning of next week. 

Again, thank you for your kindness, understanding, patience–your condolences. It’s meant a lot to Elizabeth and I.

See you Weds,


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