Week 1 Readings: For Weds, Jan 5

Hi All,

A longish info sheet is below as a welcome blog post: layout of basic logistical info. Here I want to give you an easy-to-read post regarding what to have read by Weds (no assigned writing), and where we’re meeting. We’ll be meeting in A3107 on Weds from 5-7pm and Sat from 4-6pm. Here are the readings we’ll have lecture-discussion on the 1st day of class (enjoy! FYI: not all weeks will we be reading the work of dead white men!):

1) Karl Marx, excerpt of Capital on Commodity Fetishism, Chapter 1  HERE

2) Antonin Artaud, from Theater and Its Double, “The Theater of Cruelty”  HERE

3) Michele Foucault, from Discipline and Punish, “Docile Bodies” (will be emailed to you. Sent to you as two pdfs–due to size of pdfs Evergreen allows to be emailed, even though this essay is only a few pages, the pdf will need be sent in two chunks, two emails...so keep an eye out for that!)

I’ll be emailing you Foucault pdfs tonight to give everyone time to read these short excerpts.

Last, if you are on the waitlist, there’s a good chance of getting into this course. Especially if you contact me about it. So feel free to email me or show up to class the 1st day with an add/drop form. There’s often movement the first couple days, so don’t fret.

See you all soon!


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One Response to Week 1 Readings: For Weds, Jan 5

  1. Nur Greene says:

    The ‘Docile Bodies’ article can be found online at this link http://www.scribd.com/doc/26150474/Foucault-M-Discipline-Punish-The-Birth-of-the-Prison-Tr-Sheridan-NY-Vintage-1977-1995 . It starts on pg. 146 .

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