Two Invites: Day of Absence/Day of Presence Invitation & Trans/Gender Nonconforming Support Group Invitation

The DOA/DOP committee invites you to participate in the Project Intersections of Identity: Reflections on Race, Community and self

A creative writing and visual arts exhibit and anthology project.


In an effort to support the ongoing work of making multicultural discussions safe to have on campus, we are sponsoring a series of workshops to collect different written expressions on Race and identity. To participate, all you have to do is come and submit a piece.  You can also submit a piece if you cannot come to one of the scheduled workshops.

Express your ideas regarding your identity and/or sense of community in the context of Race and Ethnicity. Participants can also choose to express themselves in any way they wish as long as the theme of Race and/or Ethnicity remain in the forefront. Poetry, story etc.

Who can participate?

Past and present TESC community members (Any staff student or faculty or alum) are welcome to participate.

There are many ways to participate:

1. You can create a piece solely for yourself

2. You can choose to enter your piece in our February show at TESC

3. You can participate in the public reading at our opening reception

4. You can choose to put your piece on our website.

5. You can also choose to join a self-publishing opportunity on LULU (on-line self-publishing). We hope to get everyone’s pieces together in a book that they can buy themselves on-line.

Submission guidelines:

-1 typed page or shorter emailed to

-We would also like to include a simple photograph of the author, we can take one if the author does not have one.


Beginning in 1994, students began to collect art, mostly in the form of the written word, from students, staff and faculty of color and publish them in yearly collections called the Student of Color Anthology.  It began as an activity from the First Peoples Advising Services office and grew to become sponsored by students forming a campus student group.  We have not had an anthology like this come out in a very long time. We thought that this would be a good year to get another collection of writing from various community members.

Sponsored by:

The Day of Absence and Day of Presence committee and First Peoples Advising Services.


Email or call us at 360.867.6462 Or check out our website by visiting us at: we are located at TESC: 2nd floor Library, 2153

Scheduled Workshop times:

-1st workshop: Monday at 3pm, January 10: B2105: Suzanne Simons

-2nd workshop: Wednesday at 3pm, January 19: Presenter and space TBA

-3rd workshop : Tuesday at 6pm, January 25: Primetime, A-dorm


Friday: January 28, 2011



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