Category Archives: Uncategorized

READINGS FOR TUESDAY LECTURE: A Poetics of Spatial Practice: Situationism, The Derive, & Complicating Notions of Textuality & Performance

  CLINIC FOR VESTIGIAL ORGAN STIMULATION DEFINITION Recovery of the senses and physiological functions excluded as the body sealed around itself. Trace physiologies engaging faint physical environments. Online I titled this lecture “The Poetics of Spatial Practice,” but I might … Continue reading

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Sat Week 3 Language Lab, What to Bring

Dear All, For tomorrow (Sat, Week 3) please bring: –your Artaud pieces (both the initial poems and then the further re-working of the writing for 3 people) –your Cha pieces (the found poem / research poem, as well as your … Continue reading

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Readings for Week 3

A reminder about the play we’ll be discussing on Tuesday: Susan Parenti’s Mannifold. We handed out copies in class on Saturday. If you weren’t there, please arrange to borrow a copy from one of your classmates.   For more on … Continue reading

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Sat Language Lab Week 2

Hi All, These days are crucial, so please be in class and on time.  (Not that Tues and Thurs are not crucial, as they determine what we do on Sat., but…) Please bring your 15 minute poetry => performative translation … Continue reading

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Weekend Events: Latin American Solidarity Conference &…

Announcements from your program colleagues:  Next Tuesday 5-8 The Dance Matrix Collective hosts “human jazz” with Christian Swensen: in the CRC 116- FREE here is his website for samples: It will be a fully participatory workshop. “Bodies- on” experience, probably … Continue reading

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