Category Archives: Uncategorized

Experiments In Text: Welcome Coming Soon

Below are entries for Spring 2010, “Poets Theater, Guerilla Poetry, & The Politics of Language.” Students in that course (some of you will be in this one too!) created a fine, indeed fascinating, poetry & poetics journal for that program. … Continue reading

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SPRING 2010: GUERILLA POETRY & POETS THEATER: Readings for Tuesday Lecture, Week 8

As one of, if not the, final official lecture of this quarter, I want to do two seemingly paradoxical things: 1) revisit some of what we’ve looked at this quarter, and 2) look at a handful of new works, this … Continue reading

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Readings / Files for Tues Week 7 Lecture

Below are the readings; all can be considered in some ways “translations” of the page, at least in the making use of the page as a locus for further activities/investigations in form (though, in fairness, many of the poets here … Continue reading

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Dear All, Please spread the word! And read the post below for info regarding collaborative work, due dates, etc…   Cara Benson Live Thursday, May 13th   8pm Location: SEM II, E1105       Cara Benson’s book of interconnected prose poems, … Continue reading

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Notes from Thursday Week 6 & Proposal Etc Reminder

Dear All, First, thank you, everyone, for sharing your thoughts regarding the ash. To further elaborate on the relation between submission (laying bare to) and offering care, thus perhaps as result receiving unanticipated care in return, I posted below my … Continue reading

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