
at The Evergreen State College

Category:Digital Archiving

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A Brief History of The Evergreen State College Archives

Randy Stilson, Among the other fantastic archival materials held within our archives Randy has become the keeper of the Stilson Special Collections and is the current Evergreen Records Manager.

Randy's father, Malcom Stilson, was the original archivist here at Evergreen starting in 1970 and retired in 1985. Randy assumed the archivist position in 1989 and today continues to organize and develop The Evergreen Digital Archives and Records as we know them today.

An Executive Summary is provided by the Society of American Archivists or the (SAA) for the purpose of defining what the definition of an archivist is and what the archivist's functions are to both their employer and the public in which they service. Below is the Definition described on the SAA websit.


"The archives serves as the institutional memory of the college or university and plays an integral role in the management of the institution's information resources in all media and formats. To fulfill the responsibilities of that role, the archives identifies, acquires, and maintains records of enduring value that chronicle the development of the institution and ensure its continued existence. The archives documents the process of institutional evolution by retaining both the evidence which shapes decisions and the decisions themselves."