Weekly Readings

Week 1 Roots of Unrest & Dialogue for Farmworker Justice

Michael Hardt & Antonio Negri: What to Expect in 2012

 Other Suggested Articles

Immanuel Wallerstein: The Fantastic Success of Occupy Wall Street

Mike Davis: Spring Confronts Winter




Week 2 Occupy Economics: Global Debt Crisis, Bailout and Who are the 99%?

Global Slump: The Economics and Politics of Crisis and Resistance by David McNally


Week 3  Reclaiming the Commons: Our Health and Our Education

Silvia Federici: Feminism, Finance and the Future of Occupy

Stephen Bezruchka: Towards a Healthy Society

Lecture SlidesOccupyEvergreenHealth120419-


Week 4 Intersectionalities, Performance, Activism: Joe Kadi and Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha 

Interview with Joe Kadi 

Week 5 Local to regional Occupy Movements

Hip Hop Occupies


“When we imagine decolonization, we do not make demands of those in power; we create power and frame the alternative.

Hip Hop Occupies embraces the term “occupation” as it has been reclaimed by militant workers of color from Latin America (Oaxaca, Buenos Aires, South Korea, China, among other places) to describe their occupation of factories, schools and neighborhoods, to strike back against oppressive forces. But while it is in this context that we use the term “occupy”, we fully endorse the “Decolonize” framework as a necessary expansion of the Occupy Movement. In the face of brutality in the legacy of capitalism, a system that relied upon the enslavement of African and Caribbean peoples, the genocide and displacement of Indigenous Peoples, and the violent seizure of lands for colonial profit, we embody a vision of intersectional social justice and self-determination.”  [From their website]

Week 6 The Poetics of the People’s Mic: Art & Resistance


Week 7 Occupy as Strategy: Reclaiming Our Environment

Occupy the Food System: Construction or Protest?


Week 8  Occupied Territories: The Security State, Militarization & Civil Rights


Week 9 Cooperatives and Community Development: Visitors from Venezuela


Week 10 Visions for  A New Society

The Black Orchid Collective