Winter Quarter Reading List :


Melville, Herman: Moby Dick

Johnson, Charles: Middle Passage

Mauss, Marcel: The Gift

Marchant, Jo: Decoding the Heavens

Murray, Sabina: Tales of the New World

And selections from:

Malinowsky, Bronislaw: Argonauts of the Western Pacific, Ch. 2,3,4.

Helms, Mary: Ulysses’ Sail: Ch. 1, Ch. 4, Ch.5

Smith, Linda T.: Decolonizing Methodologies; Ch. 1, Ch. 4

Diamond, Jared: Collapse; Ch. 2, Ch. 3

Rapa Nui Articles:

  • Hunt, Terry, “Rethinking the Fall of Easter Island” (and resp.)
  • Hunt, Terry, “Rethinking Easter Island’s Eco. Catastrophe”
  • Hunt and Lipo, “Ecological Catastrophe, Collapse, and the
  • Myth of Ecocide on Rapa Nui.”

Geertz, Clifford:

  • The Interpretation of Cultures; “Thick Descrip”
  •  Local Knowledge Ch. 3

The Story of Maps (Ch. ?)

Seeds of Change (Sugar)


Traces of the Trade


Fall Quarter Readings for Ships of Wisdom

The Craft of Sail, Jan Adkins

The Odyssey, Homer (Penguin Classics, Robert Fagles translation)

The Ancient Mariners, Second edition, Lionel Casson

Vaka Moana, K. R. Howe, ed.

When China Ruled the Seas, Louise Levathes

Sea Runners, Ivan Doig

Summer Reading:

Either: The Golden Fleece and the Heroes Who Lived Before Achilles, By Padraic Colum

Or: the “Penguin Classics” edition of The Voyage of the Argo: The Argonautica by Apollonius of Rhodes, translated by E.V. Rieu.

NOTE: The Golden Fleece is available as a free download at:

Other readings will be provided during the quarter as downloads from the program website.