Author Archives: Rock on Fire

Follow up on 47 Ronin (my thoughts)

The film 47 Ronin in my book had many pros and cons. In terms of if the film was enjoyable and entertaining to watch, I would have to say in my opinion it was. However to go further in depth I would like to share with you one of the pros and one of the cons I did have with the movie.

To begin I feel like I should first discuss the bad parts of the movie, as when asked if I want to hear the good news or the bad news first I always ask for the bad right off the bat. It gives something to look forward too in my opinion. The main problem I had with the film and almost any Hollywood blockbuster that is based on a true story is the way in which they deviate from the original story to such great lengths. In example yes the whole storyline involving the witch and the demons and mystical creatures was entertaining but I feel may be stretching a little far from the real story of the 47 Ronin.

The biggest pro I saw in the movie besides some pretty decent cinematography was that some of the Japanese and Samurai traditions were shown. Such as the ritual of seppuku (suicide by disembowelment) which allowed the 47 Ronin Samurai to die with honor. Due to this option of death being granted to the 47 Ronin in the film I realized that though it wasn’t the American idea of a happy ending with the Ronin dyeing at the end, it still allowed these great samurai to die with honor and dignity opposed to the other option of dyeing by execution which would have stripped them of their honor which they worked so hard to obtain throughout their lives.

Overall 47 Ronin was fun to watch with plenty of action, great depictions of the discipline of the Japanese people and the dignity to which they live and die by, but without a doubt could have stuck more closely to the historical portrayal of the 47 Ronin.