Author Archives: Gregster

Challenger explosion

Ellison Onizuka, one of the first Asian Americans to reach space and put his mark on history and just the knowledge well at least for me, I think is incredible. The challenger explosion that happened off the coast of Miami in the Atlantic, that broke apart in just 73 seconds of departure and that is astonishing yet tragic. I hate to hear that, but sometimes things happen in life, people can’t explain. I just want to know if it was an accident or did that explode on purpose because of the race on board the shuttle. These questions that come to my head when someone from a different race than Caucasian somehow someway dies when they become famous in history and making their race proud and on the map, and then poof their gone. What the hell is going on here? I say to this man, I applaud you and know that the Asian American community is forever proud of you as well and what you did even if it was for a brief few moments, but sometimes that’s all it takes.

Better Luck Tomorrow

bltThis movie was crazy to me. My thoughts about the movie at first immediately changed after seeing a few parts of the movie. I thought this movie was going to explain about the struggles or challenges of one minority in high school and turned out to be totally different. Shocking parts of the movie was a surprise and it was funny at some parts. I really can say that anything cam happen in peoples lives. This movie makes me want to think all the time about my future. The movie was thrilling and sometimes made me feel in a laughing mood. The movie being made from Justin Lin was cool because you get his perspective in the film and I thought that was so awesome and a pleasure to have seen before my time is up.

This kind of reminded me of 47 Ronin, but in a sense of 4 Ronin. It seemed they were against the world after that fight at that party. They owned the school because before they seemed to be normal citizens in society then the fight happened and they became master less to society. They became the ones who became the masters. They ruled their school and its contents. The drugs, the cheat sheets, the clubs at school and everything in their world. I thought it was a good, but crazy movie with everything that can happen in a  minority high school students life. I can say that, this story is one for the books that can change your perspective on what is happening maybe today in high schools. I stand by that statement what Chico said, “Never trust an overachiever.” Check out the trailer. -Better Luck Tomorrow

The Beautiful Country

First looking at the title, it seemed as their was going to sad story to this and there was. I know that the story was sad and I almost cried, I ain’t gonna lie, it was a sad sorry from everything when Binh and his younger brother were on their journey to America. I didn’t know anything that happened during this time like when boats would go to foreign shores and the passengers would be put into relocation camps. I had no idea of this tragedy. I really admired Binh’s courage and strength to go on and find his father, but with certain journeys come some consequences and that was very sad, but life is hard. I enjoyed the movie in the end, but would want to see some more about maybe going back to Vietnam and the mother coming to America or something. I just wanted a longer ending I guess.

Check out the movie, its a good one. The Beautiful Country-


I really like music, sports, games, movies and other kinds of things and I just need to narrow it down some more to what I really focus on, but I’ll figure it out.

Notes and stuff

Everything I’ve written is simple yet cool. I be writing schedule details, stuff about the Jigsaw, chapters, 47 Ronin. I also when I’m a little distracted in my own world, I was drawing in big bubble letters character names from one of my favorite games. Gears of War 3, but yea also Run Run Shaw, I wrote his name so I could later look him up to see what great accomplishments he fulfilled and living to be 109 years old. That’s something. I also be writing lyrics to possible songs that I want to do or maybe featured on by one of my friends. Hope everyone enjoyed their day off and hope to see all of you tomorrow. Peace.

47 Ronin impressions

This movie I thought was so awesome because it had action, adventure and showed the history of Japan. The form of equality then deception for conquering a kingdom and then a much bigger plot that was in mind. The quest for revenge for honor and against the orders of a empire. Check out the trailer for more info.

As seeing 47 Ronin again, I assume the very same of action, adventure and history. The movie was very good in the skills of deception and illusion. The movie I know is a big part of Japanese culture and I wanted to know what happened after the 47 Ronin.