Author Archives: Yuka

Impressions of 47 Ronin

I have wanted to see this move since last year!!

There are many Japanese actors and actresses I know!My friends in Japan went to see it earlier because the movie have been showed in Japan before USA.

I felt like this movie described Samurai as cool Japanese culture. And it also reminded me of the movie “Last Samurai” . Both stories are about Samurai and the main characters are American actors. Those American main characters contributed Samurai‘s societies. In addition, those movies focus on “武士道(Bushido)”. For example, the end of 47 Ronin, although they destroyed bad enemies and the story seemed to have good ending, the team of Kai committed suicide.

This movie has the girl who wears Kimono with improper  and over sexual way.

This movie is mixture of Japanese history and pop-culture things.