Brothers’ Conflict [Episode 1 Review]

A short series, 12 episodes in total, beginning with a girl moving into a house full of guys for fairly vague reasons(Papa and … work overseas so I’m always alone). They immediately throw in the “we’re all siblings!” towel to make a girl living with a bunch of guys totally okay  and the story is off.

Initially, I found the main character to be incredibly dull (what was her name, even?). Very much like a placeholder character in an otome* game, she had not particular qualities which stood out. Combine that with a sick spell in the first ten minutes, and I am already concerned about the way the show is going. I can tell she’s gonna be one of those, “oh no, who will save me?” kind of characters, but I want to give it a chance. Maybe they will surprise me and make her a tsundere* character in the end( even though that is definitely not going to happen).

The number of male characters in this is massive as well. The main love interests are obvious, only because they point out who to look for before they even introduce any of the characters. I’m not sure if the cast could be much more bland. I can absolutely see that they are most likely going to have the main girl have an episode for each guy, having little moments with each to see their softer sides, saving the main love interests for the last couple episodes and rushing their love stories to the point of unbelievable. It is a reverse harem, so I’m gonna give it a couple more episodes to show me if it is gonna be worthwhile.

I’d quickly like to clarify my bias. I don’t admire the type of character portrayed in this. I also don’t like a rushed love story. I’d recommend giving it a watch at some point if you enjoy reverse harem, as it follows many of the same patterns.


*See Otome and Tsundere on wikipedia by clicking the links :3

How I Met Your Mother or another show I don’t watch…

I,frankly,had to Google the news articles and then watch the episode in question to see what all the fuss was about. Honestly, while I do see what the Asian American community found offensive,I have frankly seen and heard worse.

When not at school I live overseas in a little country called Belgium with a rather large Asian population,Antwerp even has a tiny Chinatown that is all of a city block long give or take a bit. When I first got to Belgium the very first people I interacted with was a lovely Asian couple from Shanghai who happened to run the local fry shop. Met some other fine folks along the way that were,also, of Asian descent. However, all this being said there is another group in Belgium that would simply “love” if all of us immigrants would hit the bricks and go somewhere else. They aren’t nice about either in fact they are downright evil. This group has always reminded me of the Nazi’s of the 1930′s variety where the caberets were for the tourists and not the locals.And about as pleasant too.

They have billboards all over that state in many languages that you are not welcome here unless you learn the language,adopt the culture of the host country and dress Western. This group is vicious in the fact that there have beatings in the past to the point people have been in hospital because of some groups small minded notions about nationalism. Where is the local government you may ask when this group so obviously anti-immigration? Well, Belgium allows it because of some very complicated laws that would take too long to explain here. The point that I making is this…a television show may have acted in poor taste,however, that is nothing in compared to what I have seen first hand in a country that is home heaped towards immigrants. What it boils down to is this,if you don’t like what is on the telly no one is making you watch it so turn the channel,don’t watch it or don’t support because in the grand scheme of things there are worst things out there.

I know because I have seen it.

New News For Youse

How I Met Your Mother

The January 13th episode of CBS’ How I Met Your Mother has been under constant criticism due to it’s offensive material and yellowface. Twitter has been going crazy with responses to the episode. The episode’s fantasy sequence showed the character played by Jason Segel receiving advice from three other main cast members dressed as “slap masters” styled from old Kung Fu movies.

Each of the characters is seen to be eating ramen, speaking in stereotyped accents, and backdropped by Asian designs as they teach him the Slap of  Million Exploding Suns. The creators have given official apologies, as have some of the performers.

article-2540872-1AB7847100000578-360_634x417Cobie Smulders is seen in a traditional styled Cheongsam, utilizing a fan, and wearing heavily yellowed make up.

article-2540872-1AB7847F00000578-888_634x422Alyson Hannigan wears a stylized silk jacket and her character is 106 years old. Her face is highlighted by her white make up and shirt giving off the impression of a geisha style.

article-2540872-1AB7848300000578-571_634x403Josh Radnor wears a Manchu mustache and robes. He speaks like a Confucian scholar.




The ChalleChallenger_flight_51-l_crewnger Disaster is currently in the news for two very different reasons. One of which is because of Beyonce sampling audio from the event in her song XO. The second of the reasons that Challenger is in the news is because of the new photos recently discovered of the explosion. The January 28th anniversary is quickly approaching.

The biggest connection to Asian-America is crew member Ellison Onizuka. Born in Hawaii, he served in both the US Air Force and NASA.

Paull Shinpaull-shin

Washington state Senator Paull Shin is currently retiring from duty due to his recently diagnosed Alzheimers. In 1992 Paull Shin became the first Korean American to serve in Washington state legislature. As a child he was adopted from Korea during the Korean war. He attended the University of Washington where he studied East Asian Studies.


World War II Stragglers

bildeJapan’s Hiroo Onoda, an imperial soldier, from World War II has died at the age of 91.  He emerged from the Philippine jungles 29 years after the end of the war. It was because of his commander’s return to the jungle to overturn an order given in 1945 that he finally left the jungle. The 1945 order was to stay and spy on American troops. Not even his family could get him to leave the jungle, his loyalty to the Imperial Army was so strong.

Tudou List 1/18/14


The Challenger Disaster happened on January 28, 1986 (a year after my sister was born). 73 seconds into its flight, its broke into pieces, leading to the death of its seven crew members. One of them including Ellison Onizuka. Onizuka was born in Hawaii in 1946 and was Asian American.


Paull Shin

He was born in Korea in 1935 and orphaned by the age of four. He came to America in 1954. He knew little English and had little education from Korea but still completed his GED in 18 months. He went on to earn degress from Brigham Young University, University of Pittsburgh, and University of Washington. He later became the first Korean American to be elected to Washington State legislative.


WWII Stragglers

The WWII stragglers were Japanese soldiers that didn’t know the war ending and continued fighting for years after the fact.



I watch How I Met Your mother often and I completely love the show. This past week, they aired an episode in which Marshal told the tales of him traveling to China to learn the ways of the slap to give Barney the most painful slap of his life. Honestly, when I first watched it, nothing fazed me. But in class when Chico asked us to research HIMYM I knew exactly what they were speaking of.

I don’t know why it did’t faze me. It could be a few things. I guess I also assume best intentions and I knew they didn’t intentionally  mean to hurt anyone’s feelings. Maybe it’s because there are so many things, TO THIS DAY of people doing black face, and ‘wiggers’ and ‘wangsters’ that I’m numb to all of it. Maybe it’s because I make fun of myself all the time, I believe in laughing at yourself and finding the humor in stereotypes. Maybe I’m completely wrong, a lot of things just don’t get under my skin I guess.

I’m not saying this makes it right. I understand why people might be upset. I can just see both sides.


HIMYM? I came to find out that this abbreviation stands for the T.V. series How I met Your mother. One connection I found to Asian/America was that the creators actually apologized for airing an episode that portrayed Asians with stereotypes.Viewers of the sitcom were angered that members of the all-white principal cast dressed in stereotypical Asian clothing and donned ‘yellowface’ for a specific episode.

The dark obsession of murder and mayhem

I have strange obsessions that is for sure and one of longest standing obsession of mine the art of forensic science with careful attention to the mind of the serial killer. I suspect that this slightly deranged aspect of weirdness started around the time of the People’s Temple with the Rev. Jim Jones at the head of the church. On Nov. 18th,1978 it ended in the jungles of Guyana with deaths 905 people including the only U.S. Congressmen to die in the line of duty. I was 9 years old at the time of cover of Time magazine had the now notorious cover of the vat of purple Kool-Aid for the world to see. It left an impression,obviously.

How does this tragic event relate to the current theme of the class of Asian Pop Culture? Well, in the case of Jones he had a “rainbow” family of children of all races and one of those children was of Asian descent. In another case that is unrelated to Rev. Jim Jones was the sarin gas attacks in Toyko in the 1990′s.

Murder and serial killers in particular do not really care about racial divides rather they care about the maxium body count they can hope to achieve by whatever methods and in turn pop culture on both sides of the PAcific Rim glorifies it with television,movies,comics and books. We eat that up by the treasure droves. We don’t admit either that we are consumed by the darkness that all of humanity is capable of,but, yet we watch it unable to tear on eyes away. Just like the wreck on the freeway that stops traffic for miles because we cannot tear our eyes away.

The difference here is I freely I admit to watching the train-wreck and studying murder most foul on a pop culture level. Does this mean I am out to off the next person,no, not today. Rather I study the human condition of darkness and the pop culture cult of personality that surrounds this.


WWII Stragglers

Sergeant Shoichi Yokoi, a Japanese imperial army straggler lived in Guam for 28 years after World War II ended, died on Sept 22, 1997 of heart failure at JR Tokai General Hospital in Nagoya Japan. He was 82 while living in an underground cave in a bamboo grove until Jan 24, 1972, when he was discovered close to Talofofo River by hunters. Fortunately Yokoi, was a tailor’s apprentice before being drafted in 1941, made clothing from the fibers of wild hibiscus plants and survived off of eating coconuts, breadfruit, papayas, snails, eels and rats. He stated: “We Japanese soldiers were told to prefer death to  the disgrace of getting captured alive”. “The only  thing that gave me the strength and will to survive was my faith in  myself and that as a soldier of Japan, it was not a disgrace to continue  on living”.

1986 Challenger Explosion

Astronaut Ellison Onizuka was a Japanese American who grew up in Hawaii and was the first Asian American astronaut to fly into to space. Unfortunately, he was one of the crew members who dies in the 1986 Challenger Explosion.

Ellison Shoji Onizuka NASA Astronaut Ellison Onizuka and The Challenger Disaster, 25 Years Later

Also, Donald J. Kutyna he served a combat tour of duty from December 1969 to January 1971 with the 44th Tactical Fighter Squadron at Takhli Royal Thai Air Force Base, Thailand. There he completed 120 combat missions in the F-105 tactical fighter. He is most famous for his help in several investigations of NASA launch failures, especially his membership on the Rogers Commissions investigating the loss of the Space Shuttle Challenger. He was key of NASA’s decision to allow the shuttle to keep flying despite knowledge of the O-ring flaw that led to the explosion.

Paull Shinn

A key accomplishment for Asian/America was Paull Shinn being the first Korean American ever elected to the Washington State Legislature. He was elected from the 21st Legislative District in Snohomish County. He was born in South Korea and was also orphaned at the age of four and lived on the streets of Seoul begging for food until the start of the Korean war. He was also a sponsor for legislation that enacted observance of Asian Pacific Heritage Month in the United States. Unfortunately, on January 7th of this new year 2014, he resigned after being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease and now Shinn currently resides in Mukilteo, WA.

Chapter 11 Reading

Chapter 11
“‘Strangers’ at the Gates Again”

After World War II, Asian Americans started seeing changes in their communities. It started with the plantations in Hawaii when the segregated Asian workers formed labor unions and groups together to strike better and earn better wages. Thank to the contributions of various Asian Americans during World War II, their rights as Americans were beginning to come to light, causing America to become the land of opportunity that their ancestors envisioned years ago. Then the Korean War and Vietnam conflict arose. New Asian immigrants started migrating to America through coercion or fear. These included Vietnamese, Hmong, Cambodians, and more. They were the new “strangers from a different shore”, only residing in America for safety and hoping one day that they will return home, which was not the case for most migrants. Although Asian Americans were getting the rights they justly deserved, it did not come easily. The “threat” of Communism caused many Chinese Americans to be targeted by the government to ensure no Communist spies were on American shores. Even though 99% of them were innocent, it just didn’t seem justified to target mostly Chinese Americans just because China was Communist.