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The Beautiful Country

I really enjoyed this movie although this movie had few happy moments it was enjoyable to see it was  somewhat of a happy ending. From the start of the film where Binh was the outcast that no one wanted to be around. He was always called ugly even though as a viewer I didn’t see his ugliness.  When Binh found his mom he soon had to let her go. He had shut downs every time that he turned around. When he was trying to go America he wound up in Malaysia. He was stuck in a refugee camp where he met the love of his life.  When he was able to leave the refugee camp he found out that the business man on the boat that was taking them to America was charging more money that he had. After all the sickness on the boat he lost his younger brother, which he promised his mother that he would look over and protect. When he finally gets to  New York he has a place to stay and a place to work, but doesn’t have a girl to love him back. When he is told by a group of guys that he could have avoided all the drama from the boat by flying to America free because his father was a solider he freaks out and leaves to find his father. When he finally finds his father he finds that he is blind and can’t see his face. This movie ends happy because although its not said it hints that the father knows who Binh really is, his son. Binh doesn’t tell his father who he is because he realizes that it doesn’t need to be said. For one of the first films that we have seen in fall and winter quarter we don’t see the “white hero.” We actually see Binh being the hero for his father. A man that can’t see but learns how to paint. A man that would have been fired if another helper came along but isn’t because Binh wanted to get to know his father even in a one bed trailer.  This movie was really enjoyable to watch even if a couple of tears wanted the-beautiful-countryto run down my cheek.

The Beautiful Country

A beautiful country is a story of a young man named Binh, and Binh is on a mission to find his father that overall turns into a adventure to America. Over that time period he over comes, explores and learns all different things from people, situations and struggles. This movie personally drew me in and I didn’t want to stop watching it. It really allows you to think about how other people live in the countries among us, the different ways their lives are run and for me it really let me think about who I am, where I am and the privileges I have. This movie does get a bit slow at sometimes and tends to take awhile for some action, but it does keep the story going and still wanting to know what will happen to Binh & Tam.  Overall, I would suggest this movie to many people who are just overall looking for a movie with a good storyline and shows you something new you don’t hear and see about every day, or even very often.

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Post 47 Ronin

I’m personally more of a comedy person and I’m constantly wanting to watch more drama’s and action. I mean, my favorite action movies are the Fast and Furious series and apparently (according to everyone whom I tell) those movies are terrible. Honestly, I kind of only watch them for Paul Walker. The point is that when I watch action movies, I don’t know what to look for.

So in terms of action and all that jazz, it was awesome. I love fight scenes and I always get ridiculously pumped up after watching them. Then I convince myself that if I tried hard enough I could totally fight like that. However, the only thing that kept bothering me throughout the whole movie was that white savior complex. I know we were supposed to feel bad for Keanu’s character like “Oh no, he’s odd and nobody likes him, boo-hoo”. It’s just kind of hard when you know that in real life, in America, in this supposed ‘melting pot’ where everyone is equal, he is more equal than me.

But honestly, that was the only thing that bothered me.